/weather Command

Sets the weather in the environment. See more in the Popular Commands documentation.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Set weather

/weather <type: WeatherType> [duration: int]

Set a weather type for an optional duration.

Query weather

/weather query

Query the current weather.


  • duration: int An optional integer that will a random number between 300 and 900 seconds if not specified.
  • type: WeatherType An enum of clear, rain (or snow in cold biomes), or thunder (blizzard in cold biomes).



An enum of clear, rain (or snow in cold biomes), or thunder (blizzard in cold biomes).


  • clear Clear - no precipitation
  • rain Rain - Precipitation, or snow in cold biomes
  • thunder Thunder - Lightning and sky noises, blizzard in cold biomes