Azure OpenAI API preview lifecycle

This article is to help you understand the support lifecycle for the Azure OpenAI API previews. New preview APIs target a monthly release cadence. After July 1, 2024, the latest three preview APIs will remain supported while older APIs will no longer be supported unless support is explicitly indicated.


The 2023-06-01-preview API will remain supported at this time, as DALL-E 2 is only available in this API version. DALL-E 3 is supported in the latest API releases. The 2023-10-01-preview API will also remain supported at this time.

Latest preview API release

Azure OpenAI API version 2024-04-01-preview is currently the latest preview release.

This version contains support for the latest Azure OpenAI features including:

Changes between 2024-03-01-preview and 2024-04-01-preview API specification

Latest GA API release

Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-01 is currently the latest GA API release. This API version is the replacement for the previous2023-05-15 GA API release.

This version contains support for the latest GA features like Whisper, DALL-E 3, fine-tuning, on your data, etc. Any preview features that were released after the 2023-12-01-preview release like Assistants, TTS, certain on your data datasources, are only supported in the latest preview API releases.

Retiring soon

On July 1, 2024 the following API preview releases will be retired and will stop accepting API requests:

  • 2023-03-15-preview
  • 2023-07-01-preview
  • 2023-08-01-preview
  • 2023-09-01-preview
  • 2023-12-01-preview

To avoid service disruptions, you must update to use the latest preview version before the retirement date.

Updating API versions

We recommend first testing the upgrade to new API versions to confirm there's no impact to your application from the API update before making the change globally across your environment.

If you're using the OpenAI Python client library or the REST API, you'll need to update your code directly to the latest preview API version.

If you're using one of the Azure OpenAI SDKs for C#, Go, Java, or JavaScript you'll instead need to update to the latest version of the SDK. Each SDK release is hardcoded to work with specific versions of the Azure OpenAI API.

Next steps