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What's New in PowerShell 7.1

On November 11, 2020 we announced the general availability of PowerShell 7.1. Building on the foundation established in PowerShell 7.0, our efforts focused on community issues and include a number of improvements and fixes. We are committed to ensuring that PowerShell remains a stable and performant platform.

PowerShell 7.1 includes the following features, updates, and breaking changes.

  • PSReadLine 2.1.0, which includes Predictive IntelliSense
  • PowerShell 7.1 has been published to the Microsoft Store
  • Installer packages updated for new OS versions with support for ARM64
  • 4 new experimental features and 2 experimental features promoted to mainstream
  • Several breaking changes to improve usability

For a complete list of changes, see the CHANGELOG in the GitHub repository.

PSReadLine 2.1.0

PowerShell 7.1 also includes PSReadLine 2.1.0. This version includes Predictive IntelliSense. For more information about the Predictive IntelliSense feature, see the announcement in the PowerShell blog.

Microsoft Store installer package

PowerShell 7.1 has been published to the Microsoft Store. You can find the PowerShell release on the Microsoft Store website or in the Store application in Windows.

Benefits of the Microsoft Store package:

  • Automatic updates built right into Windows
  • Integrates with other software distribution mechanisms like Intune and SCCM


Any system-level configuration settings stored in $PSHOME cannot be modified. This includes the WSMAN configuration. This prevents remote sessions from connecting to Store-based installs of PowerShell. User-level configurations and SSH remoting are supported.

Other installers

For more up-to-date information about supported operating systems and support lifecycle, see the PowerShell Support Lifecycle.

Check the installation instructions for your preferred operating system:

Additionally, PowerShell 7.1 supports ARM32 and ARM64 flavors of Debian, Ubuntu, and ARM64 Alpine Linux.

While not officially supported, the community has also provided packages for Arch and Kali Linux.


Debian 10+, CentOS 8+, Ubuntu 20.04, Alpine and Arm currently do not support WinRM remoting. For details on setting up SSH-based remoting, see PowerShell Remoting over SSH.

Experimental Features

For more information about the Experimental Features, see Using Experimental Features.

The following experimental features are now mainstream features in this release:

The following experimental features were added in this release:

  • Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.PSManageBreakpointsInRunspace

    • PowerShell 7.1 extends this experimental feature to add the Runspace parameter to all *-PSBreakpoint cmdlets. The Runspace parameter specifies a Runspace object to interact with breakpoints in the specified runspace.
  • PSNativePSPathResolution - This feature allows you to pass PowerShell provider paths to native commands that don't support PowerShell path syntax.

  • PSCultureInvariantReplaceOperator - When the left-hand operand in a -replace operator statement is not a string, that operand is converted to a string. With the feature enabled, the conversion does not use Culture settings for string conversion.

  • PSSubsystemPluginModel lays the groundwork to support future Predictive IntelliSense plug-ins.

Breaking Changes and Improvements

  • String comparison behavior changed in .NET 5.0

    PowerShell 7.1 is built on .NET 5.0, which introduced the following breaking change:

    As of .NET 5.0, culture invariant string comparisons ignore non-printing control characters.

    For example, the following two strings are considered to be identical:

    # Escape sequence "`a" is Ctrl-G or [char]7
    'Food' -eq "Foo`ad"
  • Fix $? to not be $false when native command writes to stderr (#13395)

    It is common for native commands to write to stderr without intending to indicate a failure. With this change $? is set to $false only when the native command also has a non-zero exit code. This change is unrelated to the experimental feature PSNotApplyErrorActionToStderr.

  • Make $ErrorActionPreference not affect stderr output of native commands (#13361)

    It is common for native commands to write to stderr without intending to indicate a failure. With this change, stderr output is still captured in ErrorRecord objects, but the runtime no longer applies $ErrorActionPreference if the ErrorRecord comes from a native command.

  • Rename -FromUnixTime to -UnixTimeSeconds on Get-Date to allow Unix time input (#13084) (Thanks @aetos382!)

    The -FromUnixTime parameter was added during 7.1-preview.2. The parameter was renamed to better match the data type. This parameter takes an integer value that represents in seconds since January 1, 1970, 0:00:00.

    This example converts a Unix time (represented by the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00) to DateTime.

    Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds 1577836800
    Wednesday, January 01, 2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Allow explicitly specified named parameter to supersede the same one from hashtable splatting (#13162)

    With this change, the named parameters from splatting are moved to the end of the parameter list so that they are bound after all explicitly specified named parameters are bound. Parameter binding for simple functions doesn't throw an error when a specified named parameter cannot be found. Unknown named parameters are bound to the $args parameter of the simple function. Moving splatting to the end of the argument list changes the order the parameters appears in $args.

    For example:

    function SimpleTest {
        "Name: $Name; Path: $Path; Args: $args"

    In the previous behavior, MyPath is not bound to -Path because it's the third argument in the argument list. ## So it ends up being stuffed into '$args' along with Blah = "World"

    PS> $hash = @{ Name = "Hello"; Blah = "World" }
    PS> SimpleTest @hash "MyPath"
    Name: Hello; Path: ; Args: -Blah: World MyPath

    With this change, the arguments from @hash are moved to the end of the argument list. MyPath becomes the first argument in the list, so it is bound to -Path.

    PS> SimpleTest @hash "MyPath"
    Name: Hello; Path: MyPath; Args: -Blah: World
  • Make the switch parameter -Qualifier not positional for Split-Path (#12960) (Thanks @yecril71pl!)

  • Resolve the working directory as literal path for Start-Process when it's not specified (#11946) (Thanks @NoMoreFood!)

  • Make -OutFile parameter in web cmdlets to work like -LiteralPath (#11701) (Thanks @iSazonov!)

  • Fix string parameter binding for BigInteger numeric literals (#11634) (Thanks @vexx32!)

  • On Windows, Start-Process creates a process environment with all the environment variables from current session, using -UseNewEnvironment creates a new default process environment (#10830) (Thanks @iSazonov!)

  • Do not wrap return result in PSObject when converting a ScriptBlock to a delegate (#10619)

    When a ScriptBlock is converted to a delegate type to be used in C# context, wrapping the result in a PSObject brings unneeded troubles:

    • When the value is converted to the delegate return type, the PSObject essentially gets unwrapped. So the PSObject is unneeded.
    • When the delegate return type is object, it gets wrapped in a PSObject making it hard to work with in C# code.

    After this change, the returned object is the underlying object.