How Copilot for Microsoft 365 decides which plugin to use

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is your personal assistant for work. It helps with various general tasks, such as writing, summarizing, researching, and more. Copilot has different skills that correspond to these different types of tasks. For example, Copilot can summarize action items from a meeting, suggest edits to a file, or track down resources and experts on a given topic within your organization. Each skill has its own parameters and outputs that are tailored to the specific task.

Like any copilot, Copilot for Microsoft 365 is trained with data at a point in time. To retrieve and process new and real-time information, especially data that's specific to your organization and workflows, Copilot requires plugins. Plugins extend Copilot for Microsoft 365's skills and utility for end users, enabling it to choose the right skill from its repertoire.

But how does Copilot know which skill to use when you ask for help? How does it interpret your request and match it to the best skill available? That's the job of the Copilot for Microsoft 365 orchestrator.

This article will explain the logic behind Copilot's skill selection process and how you can ensure Copilot employs your plugin at every opportunity to benefit your users.


  • Plugins for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 are in public preview and only work in Copilot chat in Microsoft Teams.
  • The capability is enabled by default in all Microsoft 365 Copilot licensed tenants. Admins can disable this functionality on a user and group basis and control how individual plugins are approved for use, and which plugins are enabled. For details see: Manage Plugins for Copilot in Integrated Apps.

The Copilot orchestrator

Between the end-user's natural language input to Copilot's natural language output, the Microsoft Copilot orchestrator works behind the scenes to select and execute the right skill(s) from the right plugin(s) for the end-user's given task.

The orchestration layer represents the interface between foundation LLMs and the many ways you can extend, enrich, and customize Copilot for the way your customers work.

Diagram of the Microsoft Copilot technology stack. From bottom to top: Microsoft Cloud, AI infrastructure, Your data, Foundation models, AI orchestration, Microsoft Copilots | Your copilots, Teams AI Library, Graph connectors, Plugin extensibility

The following chart illustrates how the Copilot for Microsoft 365 orchestrator selects the right plugin, with the right skill, at the right time, even when there are multiple options to choose from.

Visual illustration of the sequential steps in the text following this image.

  1. Natural language input

The user submits a query to Copilot, such as "What tickets are assigned to me right now?"

  1. Preliminary checks

Copilot conducts several checks on the query, including responsible AI checks and security measures to ensure it doesn’t pose any risks. If the query fails any of these checks, Copilot will terminate the interaction.

  1. Reasoning

The Copilot orchestrator formulates a plan comprising of multiple actions that it will perform in an attempt to respond to the user's prompt.

3a. Context and Tool Selection:

The orchestrator retrieves the user's conversation context from the context store and integrates data from Microsoft Graph to refine the context. It then adjusts the initial query based on this updated context and forwards it to the LLM (large language model) to guide the next steps. The LLM may proceed to generating a response using Copilot’s built-in capabilities, or it may determine that additional data is necessary. If further information is needed, the orchestrator does a search for the plugins(tools) with the right skill for the task from the user's enabled plugins based on the plugins descriptions and their functions descriptions.

3b. Function Matching and Parameter Determination:

The orchestrator formulates a new prompt incorporating the user’s initial query, the updated context, and the selected plugins, and presents it to the LLM. The LLM evaluates the input and specifies the optimal plugin and function within that plugin to address the task. It then provides the orchestrator with the necessary function details and parameters required to gather the needed information.

3c. Tool execution:

The orchestrator uses the response from the LLM to construct an API request and send the request to the tool executor, which securely retrieves the requested information located outside of Copilot's infrastructure. It executes the request and sends the results back to the orchestrator for further processing.

3d. Result Analysis and Response Formulation:

The orchestrator integrates the API response into the ongoing context and consults the LLM in a continuous reasoning loop until the LLM deems it appropriate to generate a final response.

  1. Responding

The orchestrator compiles all the information gathered during the reasoning process and submits it to the LLM to create a final response. After ensuring the response complies with Responsible AI guidelines, it sends the response back to the orchestrator, which logs it in the context store and delivers it to the user via the Copilot UI.

  1. Natural language output

Finally, the orchestrator delivers the response to the user and updates the conversation state. Copilot is ready for its next prompt.

If you imagine a user's prompt to Copilot like a construction project, then the Copilot orchestrator is the general contractor, who coordinates and organizes the work of the specialist subcontractors, your plugins. Similar to a general contractor, the orchestrator is responsible for ensuring the project is "completed" according to specifications implied by the user's input (in other words, that Copilot's response satisfies the user's intent in their request).

However, its the responsibility of each plugin to provide Copilot with an accurate description of its skills and to execute its skills effectively. This will instill a sense of trust in your users and ensure Copilot will call your plugin each time its skills are needed. The next section provides more details on how to optimize your plugin and your OpenAPI documents for the orchestrator to find and use.

Plugin optimization

Copilot for Microsoft 365 can uniquely choose the right skill from the many in its repertoire. But how can you make sure Copilot will choose your plugin to provide the right skill?

The answer lies in how you describe your plugin, its skills, and the parameters for skill execution. Specifying concise and accurate descriptions in your plugin manifest is critical to ensuring the Copilot orchestrator knows when and how to invoke your plugin.

Matching mechanisms

When a user submits a query to Copilot, the orchestrator searches its full catalog of skills (functions) from installed plugins to identify up to five skills which best match the query. The orchestrator first tries to match on exact words (lexical match) and expands its search scope as needed to include matches on descriptive meanings (semantic match), working from specific function names to general plugin descriptions, until all five function candidate slots are filled. Specifically, here is the hierarchy of matching mechanisms for Copilot plugin function selection:

  1. Lexical match on function name.
  2. Semantic match on function description.
  3. Lexical match on plugin name (adds all plugin functions to candidate list). This step is currently in private preview.
  4. Semantic match on plugin name (adds all plugin functions to candidate list).

The orchestrator works through the above list until all five function candidate slots are filled.

The following sections provide guidance and examples for authoring names and descriptions for plugins, skills (functions), and parameters.

Plugin descriptions

Plugin descriptions should include the user actions, the types of input, and the types of output, for which your plugin is intended.

Long and short app descriptions in the app manifest must clearly define the scope of your app. To render an app as a plugin in Copilot, app description must be modified to suit the following plugin requirements:

  • App long description must clearly explain how users can use a message extension plugin in Copilot and what functionality they can expect. For example, Use Contoso cloud in Copilot to search and summarize your tasks.
  • Short description must briefly describe the app's functionality in a natural language and can include name of the app.

The following table lists the short description examples for various plugin scenarios:

Description: Create, search, view tickets, bugs, and projects.

App description example:

  "$schema": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "manifestVersion": "1.16",
  "id": "2bxxxxc5-5xxx-4xxx-aXXX-94xxxx8919e5",
  "name": {
    "short": "Tasks",
    "full": "Contoso Tasks"
  "description": {
    "short": "Create, search, view tickets, bugs, and projects",
    "full": "Contoso Tasks makes it easy to stay organized. Create, assign, and track tasks individually or collaboratively with your team, and see everything come together in one place."

Skill descriptions

Skill descriptions are used to interpret the user's prompt into an intent and then map that to the most relevant skill available to Copilot. Include which action the skill handles, and also the expected format of input and description of the output.

Currently Teams message extension plugin support is limited to search commands, with support for action commands coming soon.

Search skill descriptions should:

  • Focus on what and how the command searches (detailed list) in natural language.
  • Include verbs and synonyms, if applicable.
  • Focus on keywords that are likely to be used in the search function of your native apps.

Semantic description

The semanticDescription property is used to provide a detailed description of a command for Copilot for Microsoft 365. Semantic description for commands supports up to 5,000 characters and isn't displayed in the user interface. If the semanticDescription property is left empty, Copilot for Microsoft 365 uses the information in the description field. When writing a semanticDescription, you must include information about expected values, limits, and ranges for the command.

The semanticDescription property isn't a mandatory field. However, if you add semanticDescription in app manifest, the existing validation checks for short, parameter, and command descriptions are also applicable for semantic descriptions.

The following table lists command and semantic description examples for various plugin scenarios:

Description: Search for high priority tasks related to Northwind that are due tomorrow.

Command description example:

"commands": [
          "id": "Search",
          "type": "query",
          "title": "Tasks",
          "description": "Search for high priority tasks related to Northwind that are due tomorrow",
          "semanticDescription": "Search for issues, epics, stories, tasks, sub tasks, bugs + additional details.",
          "initialRun": true,
          "fetchTask": false,
          "context": [

Parameter descriptions

A good parameter description explains what the parameter is, not what the parameter does, and the expected format.

When used directly in Microsoft Teams chat and Outlook mail compose, you can use a message extension to query one parameter at a time. When used as a plugin, message extension search commands support up to five parameters (one parameter must be visible in the message extension search bar). A parameter must have a good description, which should describe the expected input, including format or type.

The semanticDescription property is used to provide a detailed description of a command for Microsoft Copilot. Semantic description for parameters supports up to 2,000 characters and isn't displayed in the user interface. If the semanticDescription property is left empty, Copilot uses the information in the description field. When writing a semanticDescription, you must include information about expected values, limits, and ranges for the command.

The following are a few examples of basic and advanced search requests for various plugin scenarios:

Basic search: Search for tasks related to Northwind.
Advanced search: Search for high priority tasks related to Northwind that are due tomorrow.

Parameter description example:

"parameters": [
        "name": "Name",
        "title": "Project or Task Name",
        "description": "Project name or task name as keyword",
        "inputType": "text"
        "name": "Time",
        "title": "Time",
        "description": "Date or number of days for which to find tasks. Output: Number",
        "semanticDescription": "Date or number of days for which you need tasks for. Output: Number",
        "inputType": "text"
        "name": "Priority",
        "title": "Priority",
        "description": "Priority of tasks. Acceptable values: high, medium, low, NA ",
        "semanticDescription": "Priority of tasks. Acceptable values are high, medium, low, NA",
        "inputType": "text"

Next step

Learn best practices for optimizing plugin discoverability and usefulness in Copilot for Microsoft 365.