Slow transfer speed over vpn

MLW104 1 Reputation point

I have the current VPN setup.

Azure west-us2/on-prem
Azure east-us/on-prem
Azure east-asia/on-prem
Azure west-us2/east-us2

I have a problem copying data over the above vpns (except East-Asia/On-Prem and west-us2/east-us2) when copying from Azure to on-prem, copying from on-prem to azure is not affected.

In both west-us2 and east-us I have a linux vm and a windows vm, linux is debian 10 and windows is server 2019. On-Prem I've various vms and laptops, the device/vm being used makes no difference.

Things I've tried
RDP to Azure VM, open share on on-prem device. Copy data from Azure-vm to on-prem - Result slow
Open Azure-vm share from on-prem device, copy data from Azure-vm to on-prem - Result slow
Winscp from on-prem device to Azure linux VM, copy file from Azure vm to on-prem - Result slow
Winscp from on-prem device to Azure linux VM (Public IP, so not over vpn) copy from Azure vm to on-prem - Result fast <---- This is the test that convinced me it is a VPN issue, not a distance to device issue.

All the vpns are the same SKU, the on-site device config is the same except for IP & Secrets unique to the vpn, looking at the json-view of each of the azure resources there is no differences either again other than the unique issues

Uisng wireshark when testing I get lots of "tcp dup ack" & "tcp previous segment not captured" errors which as I understand it means, there are packets being lost & resent(?)

I realise I've used slow, which doesn't really mean anything but as a comparison. Copying a 4mb file to the Azure vms, takes a couple of seconds, copying a 4mb file from the Azure vm over the public ip, takes a couple of seconds. Copying the same file over the vpn can take 40-50 seconds.

I've also ran the iperf test and the results to and from the vms are the same so not a bandwidth issue.

I've updated the on-prem device to the latest firmware, I've rest the vpn connection and the gateway.

I've compared the configuration to that of the downloadable configuration for my on-prem device (Juniper srx345) that is available in the azure portal. There was one difference which I corrected and then reset all the connections, made no difference.

This has been working for 18 months before and there were no changes in Azure prior to this stopping working correctly.

I'm at a loss and not sure what else I can test.

Azure VPN Gateway
Azure VPN Gateway
An Azure service that enables the connection of on-premises networks to Azure through site-to-site virtual private networks.
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