Graph API delta request with deltatoken or skiptoken returns ErrorAccessDenied for shared resources

Aneta Skoczylas 1 Reputation point

I'm having trouble retrieving contacts and messages from a shared account using the delta request.

The scenario is as follows:

User 1 shares their contacts with User 2 in the desktop Outlook app:

User 2 sends a request from Postman or Graph Explorer:

GET{{User 1}}/contacts

The contacts are returned correctly.

User 2 sends a delta request to the same endpoint:

GET{{User 1}}/contacts/delta

The contacts are also returned correctly, along with @odata.deltaLink.

User 2 sends a GET request to the link from the @odata.deltaLink:

GET{{User 1}}/contacts/delta?$deltatoken=LztZwWjo5...

After that, the server returns a 403 status:

     "error": {  
         "code": "ErrorAccessDenied",  
         "message": "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again.",  
         "innerError": {  
             "date": "2022-10-11T13:30:21",  
             "request-id": "0330a098-8b43-4e9c-b2cf-006a6d1ce292",  
             "client-request-id": "9d3e4ec6-85b0-f32a-6989-9cd887cda89d"  

Is there something missing in my configuration? Here are the permissions:


Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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