Azure App Services Managed Certificate Does Not Work on Slots.

Berra, Tory 1 Reputation point

I have an Azure App Service with a single Deployment Slot.

I have added a custom domain name that I created at an external registrar.

When I go to configure TLS/SSL bindings, and select "Managed Certificate" and validate, the validation succeeds with the following message:

Hostname eligible for App Service Managed Certificate creation. Please note that it might take up to 10 minutes for App Service Managed Certificate to be issued.

Finally, I click "Add" and am immediately met with the following error:

Failed to create App Service Managed Certificate for my.custom.domain due to error: The Resource 'Microsoft.Web/certificates/my.custom.domain-slotname' under resource group 'my-rg' was not found. For more details please go to

The information at ARMResourceNotFoundFix is not helpful.

Creating the managed certificate for the non-slot worked perfectly.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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