Alternative software to MS NTP/Time

Allan J. Ashinoff 531 Reputation points

I have gone around and around with synchronizing network time for months and frankly I'm sick of it. Time was always a set it and forget it configuration in the past, not so anymore.

I have 70 systems. Of those systems have have a dozen that simply will not keep time. Net Time on any system will point to the designated server for time. I have set and reset time on more systems more times than I care to admit and the file server dedicated to serving time is accurately configured drawing from I have workstations that always fall 2 minutes behind, others that start out accurately and end up hours or days off, and some that simply refuse to stay in sync even for a few seconds...all confirmed to be pointing to the proper server.

Enough! I'm not taking this nonsense into the new year.

Are there any recommended, or even known, third party non-microsoft domain time synchronization applications in the market for purchase? I've got more to do that tinker with something that should never be difficult.

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Accepted answer
  1. Dave Patrick 426.3K Reputation points MVP

    Yes you can from cmd.exe do an

    w32tm /query /configuration

    then look for Type: NT5DS


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3 additional answers

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  1. Dave Patrick 426.3K Reputation points MVP

    Some general info about Windows Time service

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  2. Vicky Wang 2,646 Reputation points


    I am glad to hear that your issue was successfully resolved\I am pleased to know that the information is helpful to you. If there is anything else we can do for you, please feel free to post in the forum.

    Best Regards,

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  3. Allan J. Ashinoff 531 Reputation points

    It been more than a week since re-configuring time across my network and time has held to within 3-5 minutes.

    Thank you