cycle cloud issue with accessing storage account

Brugger 1 Reputation point

I am trying to bring up cycle cloud using the storage account "cycleclouddata", all resources are on the same vnet/sub-net and there should not be any access problems as the setup of the locker all looks fine as well. And I can see files being added when I try and spin up a cluster.

However when I try and start the cluster (any type) it fails. I suspect that the node being created cannot access the config storage, but not sure how to trouble shoot it.

This is the error I get from the cyclecloud interface:

'az://cycleclouddata/cc-locker/cache' is not a directory.
Storage Account
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/cloud-43ee1595-8a74-4294-857c-268c0337cfc7/plugins/cloud/cluster/phases/", line 258, in handle
cache_item = _transfer(src_locker, src_path, dst_locker, dst_path, checksum, validate_resources)
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/cloud-43ee1595-8a74-4294-857c-268c0337cfc7/plugins/cloud/cluster/phases/", line 337, in _transfer
return _STAGING_CACHE.transfer(src_url, dst_url, src_config, dst_config, checksum, validate_resources)
File "<string>", line 2, in sync
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/dataman-ec2be3b0-d91b-4ff9-8b7a-565e3abd0aad/plugins/dataman/", line 50, in sync
return pogo.sync(*args, **kwargs)
File "<string>", line 2, in sync
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/dataman-ec2be3b0-d91b-4ff9-8b7a-565e3abd0aad/lib/python/", line 106, in sync
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/dataman-ec2be3b0-d91b-4ff9-8b7a-565e3abd0aad/lib/python/", line 856, in sync
File "/opt/cycle_server/system/work/.plugins_expanded/.expanded/dataman-ec2be3b0-d91b-4ff9-8b7a-565e3abd0aad/lib/python/", line 2359, in _validate_parent_is_directory
pogo.exceptions.FrameworkError: 'az://cycleclouddata/cc-locker/cache' is not a directory.

Any help or suggestions are most welcome.



Azure CycleCloud
Azure CycleCloud
A Microsoft tool for creating, managing, operating, and optimizing high-performance computing (HPC) and big compute clusters in Azure.
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