Xamarin: Does anyone have a problem when authenticating with MSAL with option WithUseEmbeddedWebView enabled?

Serge Settels 1 Reputation point

Xamarin: When using AcquireTokenInteractive to authenticate against ADFS one customer forwards their authentication to a secure token server (STS). This one shows an authentication dialog against their local AD system (that default dialog which you also get when you have a IIS website secured with windows authentication).

When using the embedded webviewer (option WithUseEmbeddedWebView(true)) the user is not forwarded (and does not display the dialog). No authentication is possible.
On iOS you get a blank page, on Android you get a page load error.
When using an external webviewer the process works the same as with a webapp. The external viewer has some disadvantages.

It seems that WithUseEmbeddedWebView has limitations, but I cannot find any reference. I do not know if I should change the behaviour for this one customer.

Does anyone have more information on this?

Environment: Xamarin Forms, latest versions, iOS latest version, Android also.
you see the Microsoft login screen
you enter your email address
you are forwarded to the customer specific environment
blank screen (iOS) / error (Android) / Login dialog (when using a separate browser or disable the embeddedwebview.)
If you authenticate with another emailadres then there is no problem, since the behaviour is related to the domain of the customer.

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