Graph Api calendar events performance is very slow

Nirenjana Raghupathy 21 Reputation points

I’m using the below calendar API to get calendar events for a given user
GET /me/calendar/events

However I notice that by default only 10 records are returned. I’m trying to include top parameter in the url and do a callback in case nextlink has a value in the response.

I’m trying to add $top=500 to the api url. And I noticed that when top parameter is included, time taken for the response to be returned is very high. It does not matter if I use top=50 or top=500.

Without the top parameter, the response is returned in lesser than a second.

Any idea on how I can bring down the performance in this scenario?

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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