@N Senthil , I suspect the possible cause of your issue is when the event is received, there might be a deserialization error:
Exception while executing function: Functions.EventHubExample. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Exception binding parameter message. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Binding parameters to complex objects (such as Object) uses Json.NET serialization.
- Bind the parameter type as string instead of Object to get the raw values and avoid JSON deserialization, or
- Change the queue payload to be valid json. The JSON parser failed: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: H. Path , line 0, position 0.
Since dataType is not specified in the EventHubTrigger parameter, it is assuming that the message to be json format and trying to deserialize which fails if it is not. Adding dataType = string in the EventHubTrigger arguments like below fixed the issue since your example has List of string as input. Or if the message is in json format and input is pojo, setting datatype is not required which is the default. You can read more about that here.
@EventHubTrigger(name = "message", eventHubName = "nallatrgrfn-evthub", connection = "nallatrgrfnns_RootManageSharedAccessKey_EVENTHUB", consumerGroup = "$Default", cardinality = Cardinality.MANY, dataType = "string") List<String> message,