Always rebuilding project in Visual Studio 2019, maybe found a bug
Since switching to Visual Studio 2019 my projects always want to rebuild, and I think I found the problem.
My files are on a WSL path and I think that there are some case issues in Visual Studio 2019, specifically this:
Build started...
1>------ Up-To-Date check: Project: connectit, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Project is not up-to-date: build output 'y:\home\mike\github\connectd-source\vs2017\debug\vc142.pdb' is missing
The pdb file is always missing since that path provided by Visual Studio 2019 is not correct, its using debug instead of Debug. In all other places it is correct. IE:
Anyway this is very annoying, please look into it, it might also affect samba mounts, but I will have to verify that.