Hello @Srinivas M ,
The msDNS-ServerSettings contains the settings for the DNS service and information about all the AD integrated DNS zones which this particular server is the Key Master. It contains the LDAP location for all the Key master zones within AD database as you can see below. The Attribute msDNS-KeymasterZones contains the list of AD integrated DNS zones. You should not delete it . It was introduced in windows 2012 and is used if you have implemented DNSSEC feature in your environment for secure DNS. There is a concept of Key Master role and this attribute is queries to specifically find about the server holsing the key master role in case of DNSSEC . Its a big topic in itself , you can read more in the linked article or deploy a test lab for the same to understand more.
This is by design and its safe to ignore. I would not recommend to remove it or modify it unless Microsoft Support asks you while troubleshooting any issue or you understand the implications. Hope this clarifies your query. If the information provided is helpful please do accept this as answer so that its helpful for other members of the community searching for similar answers.
Thank you.