How to trap errors in SQL Scripts

Jeff Stiegler 466 Reputation points

We use scripts to add columns to our data tables like the one below. If the column already exists in the table, then the script crashes. Is there a way to trap this error so that script does not crash?

/* Add new column to dbo.cldoctype */
set xact_abort on
begin transaction

ALTER TABLE cldoctype ADD packet varchar(10) NULL

commit transaction
SQL Server
SQL Server
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Accepted answer
  1. Naomi 7,361 Reputation points

    Try the following:

    begin transaction
    if not exists (select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns where table_schema = 'dbo' and table_name='clDocType' and column_name = 'packet') -- check for column's existence
           ALTER TABLE cldoctype ADD packet varchar(10) NULL
     commit transaction
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  1. Jeff Stiegler 466 Reputation points


    I copied and pasted your code into my SSMS and received two errors: schema_name - Invalid column name 'schema_name' and 1. - Incorrect syntax near '1.'

    How do I fix this?