RTSP Media Foundation Client Dropping Data Channel

james weatherhead 1 Reputation point


We are writing an application to read and parse an RTSP stream using Media Foundation. The source of the RTSP stream is sending four channels:
* two video channels,
* one audio channel, and
* one data channel

We got a sourcereader configured and can read from it. We see audio and video frames coming in but the data channel is never handed to our application. It is almost like the Media Foundation reader is reading over it and throwing it away.

Is there any known way to get the data from the RTSP stream to our application? We are at a roadblock. The MSDN online documentation discusses that RTSP can carry data channels but then goes silent on how to get it, or what happens to it. Maybe there is a way to have the sourcereader fire a callback on non-audio / video channels.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
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