تقييمات Microsoft

Microsoft Sentinel in a Box | Microsoft Partners

Embark on a transformative digital journey with Microsoft Sentinel, designed exclusively for partners dedicated to developing practices and crafting offers around this robust security information and event management (SIEM) platform. This journey is not just about technology; it’s a comprehensive pathway that includes: In-depth Training Material: Dive into a wealth of learning resources that will elevate your technical expertise and operational know-how of Microsoft Sentinel. Best Practices: Gain insights from industry leaders and Microsoft experts, ensuring that your practices align with the highest standards of security operations. Guidance for Offer Creation: Receive step-by-step guidance to help you design compelling offers that address the unique security needs of customers. Sales Support Content: Access a suite of materials that will bolster your sales strategy, providing you with the knowledge to effectively communicate the value of Microsoft Sentinel and Security Services. This digital journey is your gateway to becoming a leader in security services, offering unparalleled protection and insight with Microsoft Sentinel at the core of your solutions.

طول التقييم

10 min


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