Queries for the AppPlatformSystemLogs table

Show the config server logs

View config server logs of level warn and error.

| where LogType == "ConfigServer" and Level in ("WARN", "ERROR")
| project TimeGenerated , Level , ServiceName , Thread , Stack , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the service registry logs

View service registry logs of level warn and error for all tiers.

| where LogType == "ServiceRegistry" and Level in ("WARN", "ERROR")
| project TimeGenerated , Level , ServiceName , Thread , Stack , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Spring Cloud Gateway logs

View Spring Cloud Gateway logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "SpringCloudGateway"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the API portal logs

View API portal logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "ApiPortal"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Application Configuration Service logs

View Application Configuration Service logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "ApplicationConfigurationService"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Spring Cloud Gateway operator logs

View Spring Cloud Gateway operator logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "SpringCloudGatewayOperator"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100