az security

Manage your security posture with Microsoft Defender for Cloud.


Name Description Type Status
az security adaptive-application-controls

Enable control which applications can run on your Azure and non-Azure machines (Windows and Linux).

Core GA
az security adaptive-application-controls list

Adaptive Application Controls - List.

Core GA
az security adaptive-application-controls show

Adaptive Application Controls - Get.

Core GA
az security adaptive_network_hardenings

View all Adaptive Network Hardening resources.

Core GA
az security adaptive_network_hardenings list

Gets a list of Adaptive Network Hardenings resources in scope of an extended resource.

Core GA
az security adaptive_network_hardenings show

Gets a single Adaptive Network Hardening resource.

Core GA
az security alert

View security alerts.

Core GA
az security alert list

List security alerts.

Core GA
az security alert show

Shows a security alert.

Core GA
az security alert update

Updates a security alert status.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule

View and manage alerts suppression rules.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule delete

Delete an alerts suppression rule.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule delete_scope

Delete an alerts suppression rule scope.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule list

List all alerts suppression rule on a subscription scope.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule show

Shows an alerts suppression rule.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule update

Updates or create an alerts suppression rule.

Core GA
az security alerts-suppression-rule upsert_scope

Update an alerts suppression rule with scope element.

Core GA
az security allowed_connections

View all possible traffic between resources for the subscription and location, based on connection type.

Core GA
az security allowed_connections list

List of all possible traffic between resources for the subscription.

Core GA
az security allowed_connections show

List all possible traffic between resources for the subscription and location, based on connection type.

Core GA
az security api-collection

Discover, manage, and view security insights for API collections.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim

Discover, manage, and view security insights for API collections from Azure API Management.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim list

Gets a list of API collections that have been onboarded to Microsoft Defender for APIs.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim offboard

Offboard an Azure API Management API from Microsoft Defender for APIs. The system will stop monitoring the operations within the Azure API Management API for intrusive behaviors.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim onboard

Onboard an Azure API Management API to Microsoft Defender for APIs. The system will start monitoring the operations within the Azure Management API for intrusive behaviors and provide alerts for attacks that have been detected.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim show

Gets an Azure API Management API if it has been onboarded to Microsoft Defender for APIs. If an Azure API Management API is onboarded to Microsoft Defender for APIs, the system will monitor the operations within the Azure API Management API for intrusive behaviors and provide alerts for attacks that have been detected.

Core Preview
az security api-collection apim wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Core Preview
az security assessment

View your security assessment results.

Core GA
az security assessment-metadata

View your security assessment metadata.

Core GA
az security assessment-metadata create

Creates a customer managed security assessment type.

Core GA
az security assessment-metadata delete

Deletes a security assessment type and all it's assessment results.

Core GA
az security assessment-metadata list

List all security assessment results.

Core GA
az security assessment-metadata show

Shows a security assessment.

Core GA
az security assessment create

Creates a customer managed security assessment.

Core GA
az security assessment delete

Deletes a security assessment.

Core GA
az security assessment list

List all security assessment results.

Core GA
az security assessment show

Shows a security assessment.

Core GA
az security atp

View and manage Advanced Threat Protection settings.

Core GA
az security atp cosmosdb

View and manage Advanced Threat Protection settings for Cosmos DB accounts.

Core GA
az security atp cosmosdb show

Display Advanced Threat Protection settings for an Azure Cosmos DB account.

Core GA
az security atp cosmosdb update

Toggle status of Advanced Threat Protection for an Azure Cosmos DB account.

Core GA
az security atp storage

View and manage Advanced Threat Protection settings for storage accounts.

Core GA
az security atp storage show

Display Advanced Threat Protection settings for a storage account.

Core GA
az security atp storage update

Toggle status of Advanced Threat Protection for a storage account.

Core GA
az security auto-provisioning-setting

View your auto provisioning settings.

Core GA
az security auto-provisioning-setting list

List the auto provisioning settings.

Core GA
az security auto-provisioning-setting show

Shows an auto provisioning setting.

Core GA
az security auto-provisioning-setting update

Updates your automatic provisioning settings on the subscription.

Core GA
az security automation

View your security automations.

Core GA
az security automation-action-event-hub

Creates security automation event hub action.

Core GA
az security automation-action-event-hub create

Creates security automation event hub action.

Core GA
az security automation-action-logic-app

Creates security automation logic app action.

Core GA
az security automation-action-logic-app create

Creates security automation logic app action.

Core GA
az security automation-action-workspace

Creates security automation workspace action.

Core GA
az security automation-action-workspace create

Creates security automation workspace action.

Core GA
az security automation-rule

Creates security automation rule.

Core GA
az security automation-rule-set

Creates security automation rule set.

Core GA
az security automation-rule-set create

Creates security automation rule set.

Core GA
az security automation-rule create

Creates security automation rule.

Core GA
az security automation-scope

Creates security automation scope.

Core GA
az security automation-scope create

Creates security automation scope.

Core GA
az security automation-source

Creates security automation source.

Core GA
az security automation-source create

Creates security automation source.

Core GA
az security automation create_or_update

Creates or update a security automation.

Core GA
az security automation delete

Deletes a security automation.

Core GA
az security automation list

List all security automations under subscription/resource group.

Core GA
az security automation show

Shows a security automation.

Core GA
az security automation validate

Validates a security automation model before create or update.

Core GA
az security contact

View your security contacts.

Core GA
az security contact create

Creates a security contact.

Core GA
az security contact delete

Deletes a security contact.

Core GA
az security contact list

List security contact.

Core GA
az security contact show

Shows a security contact.

Core GA
az security discovered-security-solution

View your discovered security solutions.

Core GA
az security discovered-security-solution list

List the discovered security solutions.

Core GA
az security discovered-security-solution show

Shows a discovered security solution.

Core GA
az security external-security-solution

View your external security solutions.

Core GA
az security external-security-solution list

List the external security solutions.

Core GA
az security external-security-solution show

Shows an external security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-alerts

View IoT Security aggregated alerts.

Core GA
az security iot-alerts delete

Dismiss an aggregated IoT Security Alert.

Core GA
az security iot-alerts list

List all yours IoT Security solution aggregated alerts.

Core GA
az security iot-alerts show

Shows a single aggregated alert of yours IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-analytics

View IoT Security Analytics metrics.

Core GA
az security iot-analytics list

List all IoT security Analytics metrics.

Core GA
az security iot-analytics show

Shows IoT Security Analytics metrics.

Core GA
az security iot-recommendations

View IoT Security aggregated recommendations.

Core GA
az security iot-recommendations list

List all yours IoT Security solution aggregated recommendations.

Core GA
az security iot-recommendations show

Shows a single aggregated recommendation of yours IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-solution

Manage your IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-solution create

Create your IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-solution delete

Delete your IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-solution list

List all IoT Security solutions.

Core GA
az security iot-solution show

Shows a IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security iot-solution update

Update your IoT Security solution.

Core GA
az security jit-policy

Manage your Just in Time network access policies.

Core GA
az security jit-policy list

List your Just in Time network access policies.

Core GA
az security jit-policy show

Shows a Just in Time network access policy.

Core GA
az security location

Shows the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Home region location.

Core GA
az security location list

Shows the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Home region location.

Core GA
az security location show

Shows the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Home region location.

Core GA
az security pricing

Enables managing the Azure Defender plan for the subscription.

Core GA
az security pricing create

Updates the Azure defender plan for the subscription.

Core GA
az security pricing list

Shows the Azure Defender plans for the subscription.

Core GA
az security pricing show

Shows the Azure Defender plan for the subscription.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-assessments

Regulatory compliance assessments.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-assessments list

Get details and state of assessments mapped to selected regulatory compliance control.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-assessments show

Shows supported regulatory compliance details and state for selected assessment.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-controls

Regulatory compliance controls.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-controls list

List supported of regulatory compliance controls details and state for selected standard.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-controls show

Shows a regulatory compliance details state for selected standard.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-standards

Regulatory compliance standards.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-standards list

List supported regulatory compliance standards details and state results.

Core GA
az security regulatory-compliance-standards show

Shows a regulatory compliance details state for selected standard.

Core GA
az security secure-score-control-definitions

Secure score control definitions.

Core GA
az security secure-score-control-definitions list

Get details of secure score control definitions.

Core GA
az security secure-score-controls

Secure score controls.

Core GA
az security secure-score-controls list

List supported of secure score controls details and state for scope.

Core GA
az security secure-score-controls list_by_score

List supported of secure score controls details and state for selected score.

Core GA
az security secure-scores

Secure scores.

Core GA
az security secure-scores list

List of secure-scores details and state results.

Core GA
az security secure-scores show

Shows a secure score details for selected initiative.

Core GA
az security security-connector

Manage cloud security posture management (CSPM) and cloud workload protection (CWP) across multicloud resources.

Core Preview
az security security-connector create

Create a security connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector delete

Delete a security connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops

DevOps configuration and operations.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg

AzureDevOps Organizations.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg list

List Azure DevOps organizations onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project

Azure DevOps projects.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project list

List Azure DevOps projects onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project repo

Azure DevOps repositories.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project repo list

List Azure DevOps repositories onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project repo show

Get a monitored Azure DevOps repository resource.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project repo update

Update a monitored Azure DevOps repository resource.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project repo wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project show

Get a monitored Azure DevOps project resource.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project update

Update a monitored Azure DevOps project resource.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg project wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg show

Get a monitored Azure DevOps organization resource.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg update

Update monitored Azure DevOps organization details.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops azuredevopsorg wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops create

Create a DevOps Configuration.

Core Experimental
az security security-connector devops delete

Delete a DevOps Connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner

GitHub Owners.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner list

List a list of GitHub owners onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner repo

GitHub repositories.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner repo list

List GitHub repositories onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner repo show

Get a monitored GitHub repository.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops githubowner show

Get a monitored GitHub owner.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup

GitLab Groups.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup list

List GitLab groups onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup list-subgroups

Gets nested subgroups of given GitLab Group which are onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup project

GitLab Projects (Repositories).

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup project list

List GitLab projects that are directly owned by given group and onboarded to the connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup project show

Get a monitored GitLab Project resource for a given fully-qualified group name and project name.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops gitlabgroup show

Get a monitored GitLab Group resource for a given fully-qualified name.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops list-available-azuredevopsorgs

Returns a list of all Azure DevOps organizations accessible by the user token consumed by the connector. Returns 401 if connector was created by different user or identity.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops list-available-githubowners

Returns a list of all GitHub owners accessible by the user token consumed by the connector. Returns 401 if connector was created by different user or identity.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops list-available-gitlabgroups

Returns a list of all GitLab groups accessible by the user token consumed by the connector. Returns 401 if connector was created by different user or identity.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops show

Get a DevOps Configuration.

Core Preview
az security security-connector devops update

Update a DevOps Configuration.

Core Experimental
az security security-connector devops wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Core Preview
az security security-connector list

List all the security connectors in the specified subscription.

Core Preview
az security security-connector show

Get details of a specific security connector.

Core Preview
az security security-connector update

Update a security connector.

Core Preview
az security security-solutions

Display all security solutions at the subscription level.

Core GA
az security security-solutions-reference-data

Display all security solutions reference data at the subscription level.

Core GA
az security security-solutions-reference-data list

Display all security solutions reference data at the subscription level.

Core GA
az security security-solutions list

Display all security solutions at the subscription level.

Core GA
az security setting

View your security settings.

Core GA
az security setting list

List security settings.

Core GA
az security setting show

Shows a security setting.

Core GA
az security setting update

Updates a security setting.

Core GA
az security sub-assessment

View your security sub assessments.

Core GA
az security sub-assessment list

List all security sub assessment results.

Core GA
az security sub-assessment show

Shows a security sub assessment.

Core GA
az security task

View security tasks (recommendations).

Core GA
az security task list

List security tasks (recommendations).

Core GA
az security task show

Shows a security task (recommendation).

Core GA
az security topology

Shows the network topology in your subscription.

Core GA
az security topology list

Shows the network topology in your subscription.

Core GA
az security topology show

Shows the network topology in your subscription.

Core GA
az security va

View Vulnerability Assessment.

Core GA
az security va sql

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan results and manage baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline

View and manage Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline delete

Delete Sql Vulnerability Assessment rule baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline list

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline for all rules.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline set

Sets Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline. Replaces the current baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline show

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment rule baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql baseline update

Update Sql Vulnerability Assessment rule baseline. Replaces the current rule baseline.

Core GA
az security va sql results

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan results.

Core GA
az security va sql results list

View all Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan results.

Core GA
az security va sql results show

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan results.

Core GA
az security va sql scans

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan summaries.

Core GA
az security va sql scans list

List all Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan summaries.

Core GA
az security va sql scans show

View Sql Vulnerability Assessment scan summaries.

Core GA
az security workspace-setting

Shows the workspace settings in your subscription - these settings let you control which workspace will hold your security data.

Core GA
az security workspace-setting create

Creates a workspace settings in your subscription - these settings let you control which workspace will hold your security data.

Core GA
az security workspace-setting delete

Deletes the workspace settings in your subscription - this will make the security events on the subscription be reported to the default workspace.

Core GA
az security workspace-setting list

Shows the workspace settings in your subscription - these settings let you control which workspace will hold your security data.

Core GA
az security workspace-setting show

Shows the workspace settings in your subscription - these settings let you control which workspace will hold your security data.

Core GA