mutex class (C++ Standard Library)

Represents a mutex type. Objects of this type can be used to enforce mutual exclusion within a program.


class mutex;


Public constructor/destructor

Name Description
mutex Constructs a mutex object.
~mutex Releases any resources that were used by the mutex object.

Public methods

Name Description
lock Blocks the calling thread until the thread obtains ownership of the mutex.
native_handle Returns the implementation-specific type that represents the mutex handle.
try_lock Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.
unlock Releases ownership of the mutex.


Header: <mutex>

Namespace: std


Blocks the calling thread until the thread obtains ownership of the mutex.

void lock();


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.


Constructs a mutex object that isn't locked.
Before Visual Studio 2022 17.10, Microsoft's implementation of this constructor wasn't constexpr. Now it's constexpr.

mutex() noexcept;


Releases any resources that are used by the mutex object.



If the object is locked when the destructor runs, the behavior is undefined.


Returns the implementation-specific type that represents the mutex handle. The mutex handle can be used in implementation-specific ways.

native_handle_type native_handle();

Return Value

native_handle_type is defined as a Concurrency::critical_section *. It's cast as void *.


Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.

bool try_lock();

Return value

true if the method successfully obtains ownership of the mutex; otherwise, false.


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.


Releases ownership of the mutex.

void unlock();


If the calling thread doesn't own the mutex, the behavior is undefined.

See also

Header Files Reference