Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerServiceFleet Namespace



A class representing a collection of ContainerServiceFleetResource and their operations. Each ContainerServiceFleetResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a ContainerServiceFleetCollection instance call the GetContainerServiceFleets method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the ContainerServiceFleet data model. The Fleet resource.


A class to add extension methods to Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerServiceFleet.


A class representing a collection of ContainerServiceFleetMemberResource and their operations. Each ContainerServiceFleetMemberResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource. To get a ContainerServiceFleetMemberCollection instance call the GetContainerServiceFleetMembers method from an instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource.


A class representing the ContainerServiceFleetMember data model. A member of the Fleet. It contains a reference to an existing Kubernetes cluster on Azure.


A Class representing a ContainerServiceFleetMember along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a ContainerServiceFleetMemberResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetContainerServiceFleetMemberResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ContainerServiceFleetResource using the GetContainerServiceFleetMember method.


A Class representing a ContainerServiceFleet along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a ContainerServiceFleetResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetContainerServiceFleetResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetContainerServiceFleet method.


A class representing a collection of ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRunResource and their operations. Each ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRunResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource. To get a ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRunCollection instance call the GetContainerServiceFleetUpdateRuns method from an instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource.


A class representing the ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRun data model. A multi-stage process to perform update operations across members of a Fleet.


A Class representing a ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRun along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a ContainerServiceFleetUpdateRunResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetContainerServiceFleetUpdateRunResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ContainerServiceFleetResource using the GetContainerServiceFleetUpdateRun method.


A class representing a collection of FleetUpdateStrategyResource and their operations. Each FleetUpdateStrategyResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource. To get a FleetUpdateStrategyCollection instance call the GetFleetUpdateStrategies method from an instance of ContainerServiceFleetResource.


A class representing the FleetUpdateStrategy data model. Defines a multi-stage process to perform update operations across members of a Fleet.


A Class representing a FleetUpdateStrategy along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a FleetUpdateStrategyResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetFleetUpdateStrategyResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ContainerServiceFleetResource using the GetFleetUpdateStrategy method.