SqlClientPermission.Intersect(IPermission) Method


Returns a new permission object representing the intersection of the current permission object and the specified permission object.

 override System::Security::IPermission ^ Intersect(System::Security::IPermission ^ target);
public override System.Security.IPermission Intersect (System.Security.IPermission target);
override this.Intersect : System.Security.IPermission -> System.Security.IPermission
Public Overrides Function Intersect (target As IPermission) As IPermission



A permission object to intersect with the current permission object. It must be of the same type as the current permission object.


A new permission object that represents the intersection of the current permission object and the specified permission object. This new permission object is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the intersection is empty.


The target parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) and is not an instance of the same class as the current permission object.


The intersection of two permissions is a permission that describes the set of operations they both describe. Only a demand that passes both original permissions will pass the intersection.

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