BeginScope(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats the message and creates a scope.
Log(ILogger, LogLevel, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
Log(ILogger, LogLevel, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
Log(ILogger, LogLevel, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
Log(ILogger, LogLevel, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
LogCritical(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogCritical(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogCritical(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogCritical(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogDebug(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogDebug(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogDebug(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogDebug(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogError(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an error log message.
LogError(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an error log message.
LogError(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an error log message.
LogError(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an error log message.
LogInformation(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogInformation(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogInformation(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogInformation(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogTrace(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogTrace(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogTrace(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogTrace(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogWarning(ILogger, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a warning log message.
LogWarning(ILogger, EventId, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a warning log message.
LogWarning(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a warning log message.
LogWarning(ILogger, String, Object[])
Formats and writes a warning log message.