Message.FindPartsByName(String[]) Method


Searches the MessagePartCollection returned by the Parts property and returns an array of type MessagePart that contains the named instances.

 cli::array <System::Web::Services::Description::MessagePart ^> ^ FindPartsByName(cli::array <System::String ^> ^ partNames);
public System.Web.Services.Description.MessagePart[] FindPartsByName (string[] partNames);
member this.FindPartsByName : string[] -> System.Web.Services.Description.MessagePart[]
Public Function FindPartsByName (partNames As String()) As MessagePart()



An array of names of the MessagePart instances to be returned.


An array of type MessagePart.


No MessagePart instances with the specified names exist within the collection.


The following example demonstrates the use of the FindPartsByName method.

// Get message from ServiceDescription.
Message^ myMessage1 = myServiceDescription->Messages[ "AddHttpPostIn" ];
Console::WriteLine( "ServiceDescription : {0}", myMessage1->ServiceDescription );

array<String^>^myParts = gcnew array<String^>(2);
myParts[ 0 ] = "a";
myParts[ 1 ] = "b";
array<MessagePart^>^myMessageParts = myMessage1->FindPartsByName( myParts );
Console::WriteLine( "Results of FindPartsByName operation:" );
for ( int i = 0; i < myMessageParts->Length; ++i )
   Console::WriteLine( "Part Name: {0}", myMessageParts[ i ]->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "Part Type: {0}", myMessageParts[ i ]->Type );
// Get message from ServiceDescription.
Message myMessage1 = myServiceDescription.Messages["AddHttpPostIn"];
Console.WriteLine("ServiceDescription :"+myMessage1.ServiceDescription);
string[] myParts = new string[2];
myParts[0] = "a";
myParts[1] = "b";
MessagePart[] myMessageParts = myMessage1.FindPartsByName(myParts);
Console.WriteLine("Results of FindPartsByName operation:");
for(int i=0;i<myMessageParts.Length; ++i)
   Console.WriteLine("Part Name: " +myMessageParts[i].Name);
   Console.WriteLine("Part Type: " +myMessageParts[i].Type);
' Get message from ServiceDescription.
Dim myMessage1 As Message = myServiceDescription.Messages("AddHttpPostIn")
Console.WriteLine("ServiceDescription :" + _
Dim myParts(1) As String
myParts(0) = "a"
myParts(1) = "b"
Dim myMessageParts As MessagePart() = myMessage1.FindPartsByName(myParts)
Console.WriteLine("Results of FindPartsByName operation:")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myMessageParts.Length - 1
   Console.WriteLine("Part Name: " + myMessageParts(i).Name)
   Console.WriteLine("Part Type: " + myMessageParts(i).Type.ToString())
Next i

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