POS for .NET Registry Settings (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)

Microsoft Point of Service for .NET (POS for .NET) stores certain configuration information in the system registry. During installation, default values are written to the registry. The POS for .NET values are stored under the key \HKLM\SOFTWARE\POSfor.NET. Below is a list of registry keys and their values that POS for .NET uses.

POSfor.NET Key

This key contains the following values.

Name Description Data Type Default value
Configuration Name of the configuration file written by the POS Device Manager. REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Point Of Service\Configuration\Configuration.xml
StatisticsFile Name of the file used to record POS for .NET statistics. REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Point Of Service\Statistics\PosDeviceStatistics.xml

The POSfor.NET registry key has three subkeys:

  • ControlAssemblies
  • ControlConfigs
  • Logging

POSfor.NET\ControlAssemblies Key

This key may contain any number of values of type REG_SZ, each of which contains the name of a directory. PosExplorer will iterate through the entire list of values, searching each directory. Therefore, the names of the values are not important.

These values will need to be modified during system configuration so that they point to the locations appropriate for the specific requirements of the installation.

The following table shows the default values that are written during the POS for .NET SDK setup process.

Name Default Values
(Default) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Point Of Service\Control Assemblies\
ExampleSOs C:\Program Files\Microsoft Point Of Service\SDK\Samples\Example Service Objects\
Simulators C:\Program Files\Microsoft Point Of Service\SDK\Samples\Simulator Service Objects\

POSfor.NET\ControlConfigs Key

In most cases, POS devices are paired with specific Service Objects using the HardwareId attribute, but in some rare situations, a Service Object provider may need the ability to assign a different device to a Service Object without redistributing the entire assembly.

To accommodate these situations, POS for .NET supports the ability to associate the device to a Service Object in a Plug and Play XML Configuration file.

This key contains a value which points to the location of these Plug and Play configuration files.

Name Default Value
(Default) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Point Of Service\Control Configurations\

POSfor.NET\Logging Key

This key contains values which dictate how POS for .NET handles log files. Both POS for .NET and applications, using the Logger object, may write to the log file.

The following table shows the values of this key.

Name Description Data Type Default
Enabled Set to true if logging is enabled. REG_DWORD 0 (not enabled)
Location The location where the log files will be written. REG_SZ %TEMP%
MaxLogFileSizeMB The maximum allowed log size, in megabytes. REG_DWORD 10
Name The Base name of the log file. Date and time information follows the file name. The .txt extension is appended. REG_SZ CCL

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