Visual Basic compiler options listed alphabetically
The Visual Basic command-line compiler is provided as an alternative to compiling programs from the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). The following is a list of the Visual Basic command-line compiler options sorted alphabetically.
Every compiler option is available in two forms: -option
and /option
. The documentation only shows the -option
Option | Purpose |
@ (Specify Response File) | Specifies a response file. |
-? | Displays compiler options. This command is the same as specifying the -help option. No compilation occurs. |
-additionalfile |
Names additional files that don't directly affect code generation but may be used by analyzers for producing errors or warnings. |
-addmodule | Causes the compiler to make all type information from the specified file(s) available to the project you are currently compiling. |
-analyzer |
Run the analyzers from this assembly (Short form: -a) |
-baseaddress | Specifies the base address of a DLL. |
-bugreport | Creates a file that contains information that makes it easy to report a bug. |
-checksumalgorithm:<alg> |
Specify the algorithm for calculating the source file checksum stored in PDB. Supported values are: SHA1 (default) or SHA256. Due to collision problems with SHA1, Microsoft recommends SHA256 or better. |
-codepage | Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the compilation. |
-debug | Produces debugging information. |
-define | Defines symbols for conditional compilation. |
-delaysign | Specifies whether the assembly will be fully or partially signed. |
-deterministic | Causes the compiler to output an assembly whose binary content is identical across compilations if inputs are identical. |
-doc | Processes documentation comments to an XML file. |
-errorreport | Specifies how the Visual Basic compiler should report internal compiler errors. |
-filealign | Specifies where to align the sections of the output file. |
-help | Displays compiler options. This command is the same as specifying the -? option. No compilation occurs. |
-highentropyva | Indicates whether a particular executable supports high entropy Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). |
-imports | Imports a namespace from a specified assembly. |
-keycontainer | Specifies a key container name for a key pair to give an assembly a strong name. |
-keyfile | Specifies a file that contains a key or key pair to give an assembly a strong name. |
-langversion | Specify language version: 9|9.0|10|10.0|11|11.0. |
-libpath | Specifies the location of assemblies referenced by the -reference option. |
-linkresource | Creates a link to a managed resource. |
-main | Specifies the class that contains the Sub Main procedure to use at startup. |
-moduleassemblyname | Specifies the name of the assembly that a module will be a part of. |
-modulename:<string> |
Specify the name of the source module |
-netcf | Sets the compiler to target the .NET Compact Framework. |
-noconfig | Do not compile with Vbc.rsp. |
-nologo | Suppresses compiler banner information. |
-nostdlib | Causes the compiler not to reference the standard libraries. |
-nowarn | Suppresses the compiler's ability to generate warnings. |
-nowin32manifest | Instructs the compiler not to embed any application manifest into the executable file. |
-optimize | Enables/disables code optimization. |
-optioncompare | Specifies whether string comparisons should be binary or use locale-specific text semantics. |
-optionexplicit | Enforces explicit declaration of variables. |
-optioninfer | Enables the use of local type inference in variable declarations. |
-optionstrict | Enforces strict language semantics. |
-out | Specifies an output file. |
-parallel[+|-] |
Specifies whether to use concurrent build (+). |
-platform | Specifies the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file. |
-preferreduilang |
Specify the preferred output language name. |
-quiet | Prevents the compiler from displaying code for syntax-related errors and warnings. |
-recurse | Searches subdirectories for source files to compile. |
-reference | Imports metadata from an assembly. |
-refonly | Outputs only a reference assembly. |
-refout | Specifies the output path of a reference assembly. |
-removeintchecks | Disables integer overflow checking. |
-resource | Embeds a managed resource in an assembly. |
-rootnamespace | Specifies a namespace for all type declarations. |
-ruleset:<file> |
Specify a ruleset file that disables specific diagnostics. |
-sdkpath | Specifies the location of Mscorlib.dll and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll. |
-subsystemversion | Specifies the minimum version of the subsystem that the generated executable file can use. |
-target | Specifies the format of the output file. |
-utf8output | Displays compiler output using UTF-8 encoding. |
-vbruntime | Specifies that the compiler should compile without a reference to the Visual Basic Runtime Library, or with a reference to a specific runtime library. |
-verbose | Outputs extra information during compilation. |
-warnaserror | Promotes warnings to errors. |
-win32icon | Inserts an .ico file into the output file. |
-win32manifest | Identifies a user-defined Win32 application manifest file to be embedded into a project's portable executable (PE) file. |
-win32resource | Inserts a Win32 resource into the output file. |
See also
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