(BRA) About transfer orders
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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
You can transfer inventory items between warehouses that are located at different fiscal establishments by using transfer orders. You can transfer inventory items to another fiscal establishment that is in the same state or in another state.
When you transfer the items between different fiscal establishments, the following transfer fiscal documents are issued or received:
Outbound fiscal document – Issued when you ship items to a warehouse that is located at a different fiscal establishment.
Inbound fiscal document – Received when you receive items from a warehouse that is located at a different fiscal establishment.
You can do the following to transfer items between fiscal establishments by using transfer orders:
Set up a Código Fiscal de Operações e Prestações (CFOP) matrix for fiscal establishment transfer or third-party transfer transaction types. For more information, see (BRA) Set up the CFOP matrix.
Set up a tax matrix for a fiscal establishment group by using the fiscal establishment transaction type. For more information, see (BRA) Set up a tax matrix.
Create and ship a transfer order to create an outbound fiscal document. For more information, see (BRA) Create an outbound transfer fiscal document.
Receive a transfer order to create an inbound fiscal document. For more information, see (BRA) Receive an inbound transfer fiscal document.
Return a transfer fiscal document. For more information, see (BRA) Return a transfer fiscal document.
Cancel an incorrect transfer order. For more information, see (BRA) Cancel a transfer fiscal document.