Update-type events


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Update events are part of the rules that trigger alerts when data is changed in the application. The following table explains the options that are available for update events.


When an alert is triggered

has changed

The current value of the selected field changes.

is set to:

The current value of the selected field is set to a specific value.

The value can be set either when the record is created or when you change the value from another value.

has been postponed

The current value of the selected field changes to a later date. For example, a postponement from August 10 to August 25 triggers an alert.

has been postponed until at the earliest:

The current value of the selected field changes to a later date.

The date is an absolute date and is specified in the alert rule.

For example, a postponement from August 10 to August 25 or a later date triggers an alert, but a postponement from August 10 to August 24 does not.

is set to an earlier date

The current value of the selected field changes to a date that is earlier than the date that was originally specified in the field. For example, a change from August 25 to August 10 triggers an alert.

is set to a date earlier than:

The current value of the selected field changes to a date that is earlier than both the date that was originally specified in the field and the date that is specified in the alert rule.

For example, the date that is specified in the alert rule is August 15. In this case, a change from August 25 to August 10 triggers an alert, but a change from August 25 to August 20 does not.

has decreased below:

The current value of the selected field changes to a value that is less than an absolute limit that you specify.

has increased above:

The current value of the selected field changes to a value that is more than an absolute limit that you specify.

Later dates

Later dates are a relative concept for update-type events. You can set up an alert rule that triggers an alert if a date in the past changes to a later date.

The following scenarios are examples of later date events.

  • A postponement from August 10 to August 25 triggers an alert, even though the current date is September 20.

  • A change from August 25 to August 10 triggers an alert, even though the current date is August 15.

Example: Has changed

You work in a company that uses contract workers extensively. When a contract worker is hired, the start date of his or her employment is activated. Then, when the worker stops working for the company, the HR department enters the date of termination. If the same worker is employed again, the start date is reactivated. You want to be alerted when people leave the company or start to work there again. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert when the employment dates of any worker change.

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select a worker. On the Action Pane, on the tab, in the group, click Edit.

  3. In the Worker form, click the Employment link, and then expand the Employment details tab.

  4. Right-click the Employment start date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Employment start date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has changed.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any employee whose status changes.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, verify or adjust the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the Employment end date field.

Example: Is set to

You work in the sales department of a company where the number of customer returns has become a major problem. You want to be alerted about all instances of returned goods, so that you can immediately start to investigate why the goods are returned. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the Status field of any sales order is changed to Canceled.

  1. Click Accounts receivable > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders.

  2. Select a sales order. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the General tab. Right-click the Status field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Status.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select is set to:, and then select Canceled.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any sales order for which the Status field changes to Canceled.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Has been postponed

Sometimes, the delivery of purchased parts that are required in your company's production is delayed. You want to be alerted when the delivery of a purchase order is delayed, so that you can check whether the delay affects the fulfillment of sales orders that depend on the purchased items. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the value in the Delivery date field of any purchase order is changed to a later date.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select a purchase order. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Purchase order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the Delivery tab. Right-click the Delivery date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Delivery date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has been postponed.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any purchase order for which the value in the Delivery date field is changed to a later date.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Has been postponed until at the earliest

Sometimes, the delivery of purchased parts that are required in your company's production is delayed. Usually, a postponement is not a problem. However, a postponement that extends beyond the date that is specified in the rule might affect the fulfillment of related sales orders. You want to be alerted if a delivery is delayed. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the value in the Delivery date field of any purchase order is changed to a specific date or a date that is later than that date.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select a purchase order. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Purchase order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the Delivery tab. Right-click the Delivery date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Delivery date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has been postponed until at the earliest:. Then click the calendar button to select a date.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any purchase order for which the value in the Delivery date field is changed to the specified date or a later date.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Is set to an earlier date

Sometimes, the suppliers of your company can deliver purchased parts sooner than originally planned. Any reduction in the delivery time of purchased parts can help reduce the time that is required to produce the end product. Therefore, your company's delivery times can be reduced.

You want to be alerted about any early deliveries, so that you can start to reschedule the production immediately. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the value in the Delivery date field of any purchase order is changed to a date that is earlier than the original delivery date.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select a purchase order. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Purchase order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the Delivery tab. Right-click the Delivery date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Delivery date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select is set to an earlier date.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any purchase order for which the value in the Delivery date field is changed to an earlier date.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Is set to a date earlier than

Sometimes, the suppliers of your company can deliver purchased parts sooner than originally planned. Usually, a reduction in the delivery time of purchased parts is an advantage. However, if the delivery date is changed to a date that is very close to the current date, you might want to be alerted, so that you can take action if the inventory capacity that is required for the delivery is unavailable. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the value in the Delivery date field of any purchase order is changed to a specific date or an earlier date.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select a purchase order. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Purchase order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the Delivery tab. Right-click the Delivery date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Delivery date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select is set to a date earlier than:. Then click the calendar button to select a date.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any purchase order for which the value in the Delivery date field is changed to the specified date or an earlier date.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Has decreased below

You work in a company where the credit limits of customers are adjusted regularly. To avoid wasting time on orders that cannot be fulfilled because of the customer’s credit limit, you want to be alerted when the credit limit of any customer becomes less than a specific amount. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the amount in the Credit limit field of any customer becomes less than 10,000.

  1. Click Accounts receivable > Common > Customers > All customers. In the All customers list, double-click a customer record to open it.

  2. In the Customers form, expand the Credit and collections tab. Right-click the Credit limit field, and then select Create alert rule.

  3. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Credit limit.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has decreased below:. Then enter the lowest credit limit amount that is allowed before an alert is triggered.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1. An alert is triggered for any customer whose credit limit is changed to an amount that is less than the specified amount.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  4. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Has increased above

Many account managers work for you, and you want to monitor the discounts that the account managers offer on sales orders. You want to be alerted if the total discount percentage of a sales order exceeds a specific limit. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert if the total discount percentage of a sales order exceeds 20.

  1. Click Accounts receivable > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders.

  2. Double-click a sales order to open it.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, in the Show group, click Header View.

  4. Expand the Price and discount tab. Right-click the Total discount % field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Total discount %.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has increased above:. Then enter the highest discount percentage that is allowed before an alert is triggered.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in Sales orders.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

Example: Later dates

Your company engages in large construction projects, and your customers are invoiced according to an on-account payment plan that is set up before your company starts an assignment. Sometimes, projects are delayed, so that project managers have to adjust the invoice dates that are stated in the payment plan.

For example, a project that was originally planned to start on June 1 is started on July 3. On July 3, the project manager adjusts the date of the first payment rate from June 1 to July 1. You want to be alerted about any postponements of this kind, so that you can maintain an overview of the payment plans. Therefore, you use the has been postponed option to trigger an alert any time that project invoice dates are postponed.

You are now alerted about all postponements, even if the dates that were adjusted are in the past. Therefore, you create a rule that triggers an alert only if the value in the Project date field in the On-account form in Project is changed to an earlier date.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Projects > All projects.

  2. On the Action Pane, on the Manage tab, in the Bill group, click On-account transactions.

  3. In the Prepayment journal voucher form, on the Overview tab, select a project.

  4. On the General tab, right-click the Project date field, and then select Create alert rule.

  5. In the Create alert rule form, follow these steps to create the rule:

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Field list, select Project date.

    • Under Send email alerts for job status changes, in the Event list, select has been postponed.

    • Under Alert me for, select All records in %1.

    • Under Alert me until, select No end date. Alerts continue to be triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

    • Under Alert me with, accept or modify the title of the alert. Optionally, you can write a message that is sent when the alert is triggered.

  6. Click OK to activate the rule.

See also

Due date-type events

Create-type and delete-type events