recurrencePattern resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Describes the frequency by which a recurring event repeats. This shared object is used to define the recurrence of access reviews, calendar events, and access package assignments in Microsoft Entra ID.

You can specify the recurrence pattern of a recurring event in one of 6 ways depending on your scenario. For each pattern type, specify the amount of time between occurrences. The actual occurrences of the recurring event always follow this pattern falling within the date range that you specify for the event. A recurring event is always defined by its recurrencePattern (how frequently the event repeats), and its recurrenceRange (over how long the event repeats).

Use the type property to specify the different types of recurrencePattern, and the interval property to specify the time between occurrences, which can be in number of days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the type. Note which properties are required for each type, as described in the following table.

Note Include only the properties that you need for a recurrence pattern. Any property that you include that does not have a supported value would result in an error.


Property Type Description
dayOfMonth Int32 The day of the month on which the event occurs. Required if type is absoluteMonthly or absoluteYearly.
daysOfWeek dayOfWeek collection A collection of the days of the week on which the event occurs. The possible values are: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.
If type is relativeMonthly or relativeYearly, and daysOfWeek specifies more than one day, the event falls on the first day that satisfies the pattern.
Required if type is weekly, relativeMonthly, or relativeYearly.
firstDayOfWeek dayOfWeek The first day of the week. The possible values are: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. Default is sunday. Required if type is weekly.
index weekIndex Specifies on which instance of the allowed days specified in daysOfWeek the event occurs, counted from the first instance in the month. The possible values are: first, second, third, fourth, last. Default is first. Optional and used if type is relativeMonthly or relativeYearly.
interval Int32 The number of units between occurrences, where units can be in days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the type. Required.
month Int32 The month in which the event occurs. This is a number from 1 to 12.
type recurrencePatternType The recurrence pattern type: daily, weekly, absoluteMonthly, relativeMonthly, absoluteYearly, relativeYearly. Required. For more information, see values of type property.


For access reviews, only dayOfMonth, interval, and type (weekly, absoluteMonthly) properties are supported.

Values of type property

Value of type property Description Example Required properties
daily Event repeats based on the number of days specified by interval between occurrences. Repeat event every 3 days. type, interval
weekly Event repeats on the same day or days of the week, based on the number of weeks between each set of occurrences. Repeat event Monday and Tuesday of every other week. type, interval, daysOfWeek, firstDayOfWeek

Note: For access reviews, only interval and type properties are supported.
absoluteMonthly Event repeats on the specified day of the month (e.g. the 15th), based on the number of months between occurrences. Repeat event quarterly (every 3 months) on the 15th. type, interval, dayOfMonth

Note: For access reviews, only interval, dayOfMonth, and type properties are supported.
relativeMonthly Event repeats on the specified day or days of the week, in the same relative position in the month, based on the number of months between occurrences. Repeat event on the second Thursday or Friday every three months. type, interval, daysOfWeek
absoluteYearly Event repeats on the specified day and month, based on the number of years between occurrences. Repeat event on the 15th of March every 3 years. type, interval, dayOfMonth, month
relativeYearly Event repeats on the specified day or days of the week, in the same relative position in a specific month of the year, based on the number of years between occurrences. Repeat event on the second Thursday or Friday of every November every 3 years. type, interval, daysOfWeek, month



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "dayOfMonth": 1024,
  "daysOfWeek": ["String"],
  "firstDayOfWeek": "String",
  "index": "String",
  "interval": 1024,
  "month": 1024,
  "type": "String"