Required attributes for the Cloud for Sustainability shared data model

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This article provides information about the required attributes and rules for the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability shared data model.

General rules

  • The Name value must always be unique.
  • The Origin Correlation ID value must be unique if specified. However, it isn't typically required.


The table that follows provides a partial list of the attributes in each entity. It includes only required attributes and attributes that influence the requirement of other attributes via logical dependency rules. The following notation is used in the "Required?" column:

Notation Meaning
Y Required
N Optional
<--<attribute> Required only if <attribute> is specified
Y | <attribute>... Required unless <attribute> is specified
Y <--<attribute> == <value> Required if <attribute> contains <value>

Entity/attribute rules

Entity Attribute Required?
Country/Region mapping Country/Region Y
Name Y
Emission factor Biogenic CO2 factor N
Biogenic CO2 factor unit <--Biogenic CO2 factor
CH4 unit <--CH4
CO2 unit <--CO2
CO2E unit <--CO2E
Factor library Y
Heat content N
Heat content unit <--Heat content
HFCs unit <-- HFC
N2O unit <--N2O
Name Y
NF3 unit <--NF3
Other GHGs N
Other GHGs unit <--Other GHGs
PFCs unit <-- PFC
SF6 unit <--SF6
Unit Y
Estimation factor Factor library Y
Factor value Y
Factor value unit <--Factor value
Name Y
Unit Y
Facility Address line 1 Y
City Y
Country/Region Y
Name Y
ZIP/Postal Code Y
Facility type Name Y
Facility usage detail Active period start Y
Area N
Area unit <--Area
Active period end Y
Active period start Y
Facility Y
Leased or owned Y
Percent usage Y
Factor library Library type Y
Name Y
Type Y
Factor mapping Factor Y
Factor library Y
Name Y
Reference data Y
Industrial process type Name Y
Material Name Y
Monthly revenue Month Y
Monthly revenue Y
Organizational unit Y
Revenue Y
Year Y
Organizational hierarchy Effective start date Y
Organizational unit Y
Parent Y
Organizational profile Address line 1 Y
City Y
Country/Region Y
Name Y
Postal code Y
Reporting start day Y
Reporting start month Y
State/Province Y
Organizational unit Name Y
Organizational unit type Y
Unit Conversion factor Y <--Is base unit == true
Is base unit Y
Name Y
Unit group Y
Unit group Name Y
Value Chain Partner Name Y

Other constraints

Organizational unit type

The value must be one of the values from the following enumeration:

  • Cost Center
  • Department
  • Division
  • Group
  • Team
  • Unit

Factor library type

The value must be one of the values from the following enumeration:

  • Custom
  • Demo
  • Standard

Factor library - library type

The value must be one of the values from the following enumeration:

  • Estimation factor library
  • Emission factor library

Data quality type

The value must be one of the values from the following enumeration:

  • Actual
  • Estimated
  • Metered

See also

[Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability data model]
Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability data model overview
Record uniqueness in Microsoft Sustainability Manager

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