Set up Intune enrollment of Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices with work profile
Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices with a work profile are single user devices intended for corporate and personal use.
End users can keep their work and personal data separate and are guaranteed that personal data and applications remain private. Admins can control some settings and features for the entire device, including:
Setting requirements for the device password
Controlling Bluetooth and data roaming
Configuring factory reset protection
Intune helps you deploy apps and settings to Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices with work profile. For specific details about Android Enterprise, see Android enterprise requirements.
Device requirements
Devices must meet these requirements to be managed as Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile devices:
Android OS version 8.0 and above.
Devices must run a distribution of Android that has Google Mobile Services (GMS) connectivity. Devices must have GMS available and must be able to connect to GMS.
Set up Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile device management
To set up Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile device management, follow these steps:
Tokens for corporate-owned devices with a work profile will not expire automatically. If an admin decides to revoke a token, the profile associated with it will not be displayed in Devices > By platform > Android > Device onboarding > Enrollment > Corporate-owned devices with work profile. To see all profiles associated with both active and inactive tokens, click on Filter and check the boxes for both "Active" and "Inactive" policy states.
For corporate-owned work profile (COPE) devices, the afw#setup enrollment method and the Near Field Communication (NFC) enrollment method are only supported on devices running Android 8-10. They are not available on Android 11. For more information, see the Google developer docs here.
You must create an enrollment profile so that users can enroll corporate-owned work profile devices. When the profile is created, it provides you with an enrollment token (random string) and a QR code. Depending on the Android OS and version of the device, you can use either the token or QR code to enroll the dedicated device.
Under Android Enterprise > Enrollment Profiles, choose Corporate-owned devices with work profile.
Select Create profile.
Enter the basics for your profile:
Name: Give the profile a name. Note the name down for later, because you need it when you set up the dynamic device group.
Description: Enter a description for the profile. This setting is optional, but recommended.
Token type: Choose the type of token you want to use to enroll devices. For more information, see Token types in this article. Your options:
Corporate-owned with work profile (default)
Corporate-owned with work profile, via staging
Token expiration date: Only available with the staging token. Enter the date you want the token to expire, up to 65 years in the future. Acceptable date format: MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD The token expires on the selected date at 12:59:59 PM in the time zone it was created.
Revoke token: You can immediately expire the token/QR code. From this point on, the token/QR code is no longer usable. You might use this option if you:
Accidentally share the token/QR code with an unauthorized party.
Complete all enrollments and no longer need the token/QR code.
Revoking or exporting a token/QR code doesn't have any effect on devices that are already enrolled.
In the admin center, go to Devices > Enrollment.
Select the Android tab.
Under Android Enterprise > Enrollment Profiles, choose Corporate-owned devices with work profile.
Choose the profile that you want to work with.
Choose Token.
To revoke the token, choose Revoke token > Yes.
To export the token, choose Export token.
Create a device group
You can target apps and policies to either assigned or dynamic device groups. You can configure dynamic Microsoft Entra device groups to automatically populate devices that are enrolled with a particular enrollment profile by following these steps:
The Microsoft Intune app automatically installs on corporate-owned work profile devices during enrollment. This app is required for enrollment and can't be uninstalled. If you deploy the Intune Company Portal app to a device and the user attempts to launch the app, they will be redirected to the Microsoft Intune app, and the Company Portal app icon will be hidden.
The Microsoft Authenticator app automatically installs on corporate-owned work profile devices during enrollment. This app is required for enrollment and can't be uninstalled.
Token types
When you create the enrollment profile in the admin center, you have to select a token type. There are two types of tokens. Each type enables a different enrollment flow.
The default token, corporate-owned work profile, enrolls devices into Microsoft Intune as standard Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices with work profiles. This token requires you to complete pre-provisioning steps before you distribute the devices. End users complete the remaining steps on the device when they sign in with their work or school account.
The device staging token, Corporate-owned work profile, via staging, enrolls devices into Microsoft Intune in a staging mode so that you or a partner vendor can complete all pre-provisioning steps. End users complete the last step of provisioning by signing into the Microsoft Intune app with their work or school account. Devices are ready to use upon sign-in. Intune supports device staging for Android Enterprise devices running Android 8 or later.
Managing apps on Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile devices
Apps are installed from the Managed Google Play store in the same manner as Android Enterprise personally owned work profile devices.
Apps are automatically updated on managed devices when the app developer publishes an update to Google Play.
To remove an app from Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile devices, you can either:
Delete the Required app deployment.
Create an uninstall deployment for the app.
The limitations in this section apply to corporate-owned devices with a work profile.
Private space is a feature introduced with Android 15 that lets people create a space on their device for sensitive apps and data they want to keep hidden. The private space is considered a personal profile. Microsoft Intune doesn't support mobile device management within the private space or provide technical support for devices that attempt to enroll the private space.