Gets the specified product resource using a product ID.
Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario supports authentication with both standalone App and App+User credentials.
A product ID.
To find a specific product by ID, use your IAggregatePartner.Products collection, select the country by using the ByCountry() method, then call the ById() method. Finally, call the Get() or GetAsync() method to return the product.
To find a specific product by ID, use your IAggregatePartner.getProducts function, select the country by using the byCountry() function, then call the byId() function. Finally, call the get() function to return the product.
To find a specific product by ID, execute the Get-PartnerProduct command and specify the ProductId parameter. The CountryCode parameter is options, if it isn't specified then the country associated with the reseller will be used.
If successful, the response body contains a Product resource.
Response success and error codes
Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center error codes.
This method returns the following error codes:
HTTP Status Code
Error code
Product was not found.
Response example for Azure VM reservation (Azure plan)
Response example for new commerce license-based product
The new commerce experiences for license-based services include many new capabilities and are available to all Cloud Solution Provider (CSPs). For more information, see new commerce experiences overview.
"id": "CFQ7TTC0LH18",
"title": "Microsoft 365 Business Basic",
"description": "Best for businesses that need professional email, cloud file storage, and online meetings & chat. Desktop versions of Office apps like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint not included. For businesses with up to 300 employees.",
"productType": {
"id": "OnlineServicesNCE",
"displayName": "OnlineServicesNCE"
"isMicrosoftProduct": true,
"publisherName": "Microsoft Corporation",
"links": {
"skus": {
"uri": "/products/CFQ7TTC0LH18/skus?country=US",
"method": "GET",
"headers": []
"self": {
"uri": "/products/CFQ7TTC0LH18?country=US",
"method": "GET",
"headers": []
يساعد Microsoft Dynamics 365 عَلى تنظيم وإدَارَة حتى كتالوج المُنتَجَات الأكثر تعقيداً لدعم عملائك فِي السيناريوهات مشاركة العَملاء (عَلى سبيل المثال، المبيعَات وخدمة العمود). فِي هذه الوحدة، تتعلَّم كيفِية تَحديد المُنتَجَات والمجموعَات والمجموعَات والاستفادة من خصائص المنتج وتَحديد قوائم الأسعار. تتعرف أيضًا عَلى خيارات التسعير لزيادة الاتساق والكفاءة.