Filterable properties for the RecipientFilter parameter on Exchange cmdlets

You use the RecipientFilter parameter to create OPATH filters based on the properties of recipient objects in Exchange Server 2016 or later, and Exchange Online. The RecipientFilter parameter is available in the following cmdlets:

Filterable recipient properties

The recipient properties that have been confirmed to work with the RecipientFilter parameter in all cmdlets are described in the following table.


  • The list might include:

    • Properties that are only used in one type of environment: Microsoft 365, on-premises Exchange, or hybrid. The property might exist on recipient objects in all environments, but the value is only meaningful (a value other than blank or None) in one type of environment.
    • Properties that are present, but correspond to features that are no longer used in Exchange.
  • You can't use properties from other Active Directory schema extensions with the RecipientFilter parameter.

  • Not all recipient properties have a corresponding Active Directory property. The LDAP display name value in the table is "n/a" for these properties, which indicates that the property is calculated (likely by Exchange).

  • Enclose the whole OPATH filter in double quotation marks " ". If the filter contains system values (for example, $true, $false, or $null), use single quotation marks ' ' instead. Although this parameter is a string (not a system block), you can also use braces { }, but only if the filter doesn't contain variables. For more information, see Additional OPATH syntax information.

  • You typically use the object's name for properties that require a valid object value (for example, a mailbox, a distribution group, or an email address policy, but the property might also accept the object's distinguished name (DN) or globally unique identifier (GUID). To find the object's DN or GUID, use the Get- cmdlet that corresponds to the object's type (for example, Get-EmailAddressPolicy | Format-List Name,DistinguishedName,GUID).

  • Text string properties that accept wildcard characters require the -like operator (for example, "Property -like 'abc*'"). In Exchange Online PowerShell, you can't use the wildcard as a prefix in most parameters (for example, "Property -like '*abc'") isn't allowed).


    Even if a wildcard prefix works in a filter parameter in Exchange Online PowerShell, we don't recommend using it due to low performance issues.

  • The Value column in the table describes the acceptable values for the filter, not necessarily for the property itself. For example, a property might obviously contain a date or numeric value, but when you use that property in a filter, it might be treated like a text string (no value check, and wildcards are supported).

  • To look for blank or non-blank property values, use the value $null (for example, 'Property -eq $null' or 'Property -ne $null').

  • For filtering considerations for the nine exclusive Get-EXO* cmdlets in the Exchange Online PowerShell module, see Filters in the Exchange Online PowerShell module.

  • In Exchange Online, you can't use a wildcard character (*) as the first character in the search string.

Property name LDAP display name Value Comments
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom authOrig Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers dLMemSubmitPerms Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs msExchMobileAllowedDeviceIds String (wildcards accepted).
ActiveSyncBlockedDeviceIDs msExchMobileBlockedDeviceIds String (wildcards accepted).
ActiveSyncEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy msExchMobileMailboxPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). The default Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy is named Default.
ActiveSyncSuppressReadReceipt n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
AddressBookPolicy msExchAddressBookPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
AddressListMembership showInAddressBook String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
AdminDisplayName adminDisplayName String (wildcards accepted).
AdministrativeUnits msExchAdministrativeUnitLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
AggregatedMailboxGuids msExchAlternateMailboxes String (wildcards accepted).
Alias mailNickname String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the recipient's Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname). This value identifies the recipient as a mail-enabled object, and shouldn't be confused with multiple email addresses for the same recipient (also known as proxy addresses). A recipient can have only one Alias value.
AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers msExchUMListInDirectorySearch None (0) or SearchEnabled (1)
ArbitrationMailbox msExchArbitrationMailbox String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
ArchiveDatabase msExchArchiveDatabaseLink String
ArchiveDomain msExchArchiveAddress String (wildcards accepted).
ArchiveGuid msExchArchiveGUID String (wildcards accepted).
ArchiveName msExchArchiveName String (wildcards accepted).
ArchiveQuota msExchArchiveQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
ArchiveWarningQuota msExchArchiveWarnQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
ArchiveRelease msExchArchiveRelease String (wildcards accepted).
ArchiveState n/a None (0), Local (1), HostedProvisioned (2), HostedPending (3), or OnPremise (4).
ArchiveStatus msExchArchiveStatus None (0) or Active (1).
AssistantName msExchAssistantName String (wildcards accepted). The name of the recipient's assistant.
AuditEnabled msExchMailboxAuditEnable Boolean ($true or $false)
AuditLogAgeLimit msExchMailboxAuditLogAgeLimit Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
The value of this property is a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds.
AuthenticationPolicy msExchAuthPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
C C String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the two-letter country/region designation from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166. For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166.
CalendarLoggingQuota msExchCalendarLoggingQuota Dynamic distribution groups: Unlimited or a byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Unlimited, or blank/non-blank.
CalendarRepairDisabled msExchCalendarRepairDisabled Boolean ($true or $false)
Certificate userCertificate System.Byte[] This property contains the DER-encoded X509v3 certificates that are issued to the user.
CertificateSubject n/a X509:<I>X500Issuer<S>X500Subject (for example, X509:<I>C=US,O=InternetCA,CN=APublicCertificateAuthority<S>C=US,O=Fabrikam,OU=Sales,CN=Jeff Smith) The X509 certificate that's published for the user account (visible on the Published Certificates tab in Active Directory Users and Computers).
City l String (wildcards accepted). The recipient's city.
Co Co String (wildcards accepted). The name of the recipient's country or region. You can locate valid Co values on the Address tab in the recipient's properties in Active Directory Users and Computers.
CommonName cn String (wildcards accepted).
ComplianceTagHoldApplied n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
Company company String (wildcards accepted). The recipient's company name.
CountryOrRegion c String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the two-letter country/region designation from ISO 3166. For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166.
CustomAttribute1 to CustomAttribute15 extensionAttribute1 to extensionAttribute15 String (wildcards accepted). These properties contain custom attributes that you can add to a recipient.
Database homeMDB String (wildcards accepted). The identity of the user's mailbox database.
Department department String (wildcards accepted). The recipient's department.
DataEncryptionPolicy msExchDataEncryptionPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
DefaultPublicFolderMailbox msExchPublicFolderMailbox String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
DeletedItemFlags deletedItemFlags DatabaseDefault (0), RetainUntilBackupOrCustomPeriod (3), or RetainForCustomPeriod (5).
DeliverToMailboxAndForward deliverAndRedirect Boolean ($true or $false)
Description description String (wildcards accepted).
DirectReports directReports String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
DisabledArchiveDatabase msExchDisabledArchiveDatabaseLink String (wildcards accepted).
DisabledArchiveGuid msExchDisabledArchiveDatabaseGUID String (wildcards accepted).
DisplayName displayName String (wildcards accepted).
DistinguishedName distinguishedName String (wildcards accepted).
EcpEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
ElcExpirationSuspensionEndDate msExchELCExpirySuspensionEnd Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
This property contains a date-time value.
ElcExpirationSuspensionStartDate msExchELCExpirySuspensionStart Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
This property contains a date-time value.
ElcMailboxFlags msExchELCMailboxFlags None (0), ExpirationSuspended (1), ElcV2 (2), DisableCalendarLogging (4),LitigationHold (8), SingleItemRecovery (16), ValidArchiveDatabase (32), ShouldUseDefaultRetentionPolicy (128), EnableSiteMailboxMessageDedup (256), ElcProcessingDisabled (512), or ComplianceTagHold (1024).
EmailAddresses proxyAddresses String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the recipient's email addresses (the primary email address and all proxy addresses). This is the property used to identify inactive mailboxes.
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
EntryId msExchPublicFolderEntryId String (wildcards accepted).
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy msExchEwsApplicationAccessPolicy EnforceAllowList or EnforceBlockList.
EwsEnabled msExchEwsEnabled Integer
ExchangeGuid msExchMailboxGuid String (wildcards accepted).
ExchangeUserAccountControl msExchUserAccountControl For valid values, see ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM enumeration. The integer values will work as described. Most of the text values won't work as described (even if you remove ADS_UF and all underscores).
ExchangeVersion msExchVersion Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: ExchangeObjectVersion values.
ExpansionServer msExchExpansionServerName String (wildcards accepted).
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 to ExtensionCustomAttribute5 msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 to msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5 String (wildcards accepted). Currently, these attributes aren't useable as filters in Exchange Online. For more information, see Microsoft Entra Connect Sync: Attributes synchronized to Microsoft Entra ID.
ExternalDirectoryObjectId msExchExternalDirectoryObjectId String (wildcards accepted).
ExternalEmailAddress targetAddress String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the external email address for mail contacts and mail users.
ExternalOofOptions msExchExternalOOFOptions External (0) or InternalOnly (1).
Fax facsimileTelephoneNumber String (wildcards accepted).
FirstName givenName String (wildcards accepted). The recipient's first name.
ForwardingAddress altRecipient String (wildcards accepted).
ForwardingSmtpAddress msExchGenericForwardingAddress String (wildcards accepted).
GeneratedOfflineAddressBooks msExchOABGeneratingMailboxBL String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
GrantSendOnBehalfTo publicDelegates String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
GroupType groupType None (0), Global (2), DomainLocal (4), BuiltinLocal (5), Universal (8), or SecurityEnabled (-2147483648).
Guid objectGuid String (wildcards accepted).
HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled msExchHideFromAddressLists Boolean ($true or $false) This property specifies whether the recipient is visible in the global address list or other address lists.
HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled hideDLMembership Boolean ($true or $false)
HomeMTA homeMTA String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
HomePhone homePhone String (wildcards accepted).
Id distinguishedName String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
ImapEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
ImmutableId msExchGenericImmutableId String (wildcards accepted).
IncludedRecipients n/a None (0), MailboxUsers (1), Resources (2), MailContacts (4), MailGroups (8), MailUsers (16), or AllRecipients (-1).
IncludeInGarbageCollection n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
Initials initials String (wildcards accepted).
InPlaceHolds msExchUserHoldPolicies String
InPlaceHoldsRaw n/a String
InternetEncoding internetEncoding Integer For valid values, see the Remarks section in the article, Encoding Class.
IsDirSynced msExchIsMSODirsynced Boolean ($true or $false)
IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsHierarchyReady n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsHierarchySyncEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsInactiveMailbox n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsMailboxEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false) This property specifies whether the user is mailbox-enabled.
IsSecurityPrincipal n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsSoftDeletedByDisable n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IsSoftDeletedByRemove n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
IssueWarningQuota mDBStorageQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 300MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
JournalArchiveAddress n/a An SMTP email address (for example,
LanguagesRaw msExchUserCulture String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the language preference for this mailbox in the format <ISO 639 two-letter culture code>-<ISO 3166 two-letter subculture code>. For example, United States English is en-US. For more information, see CultureInfo Class.
LastExchangeChangedTime msExchLastExchangeChangedTime Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
LastName sn String (wildcards accepted).
LdapRecipientFilter msExchDynamicDLFilter String (wildcards accepted).
LegacyExchangeDN legacyExchangeDN String (wildcards accepted).
LitigationHoldDate msExchLitigationHoldDate Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
LitigationHoldEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
LitigationHoldOwner msExchLitigationHoldOwner String (wildcards accepted).
LocaleID localeID Integer For valid values, Microsoft Locale ID Values.
MailboxMoveBatchName msExchMailboxMoveBatchName String (wildcards accepted).
MailboxMoveFlags msExchMailboxMoveFlags For valid values, see the description of the Flags parameter in Get-MoveRequest.
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName msExchMailboxMoveRemoteHostName String (wildcards accepted).
MailboxMoveSourceMDB msExchMailboxMoveSourceMDBLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
MailboxMoveStatus msExchMailboxMoveStatus For valid values, see the description of the MoveStatus parameter in Get-MoveRequest.
MailboxMoveTargetMDB msExchMailboxMoveTargetMDBLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
MailboxPlan msExchParentPlanLink String (wildcards accepted). Mailbox plans correspond to Microsoft 365 license types. The availability of a license plans is determined by the selections that you make when you enroll your domain.
MailboxRelease msExchMailboxRelease String (wildcards accepted).
MailTipTranslations msExchSenderHintTranslations String (wildcards accepted).
ManagedBy managedBy String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). This property identifies the security principal that's the manager of the group.
Manager manager String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). The recipient's manager.
MAPIEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
MapiRecipient mAPIRecipient Boolean ($true or $false)
MaxBlockedSenders msExchMaxBlockedSenders Unlimited or an integer.
MaxSafeSenders msExchMaxSafeSenders Unlimited or an integer.
MaxReceiveSize delivContLength Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
MaxSendSize submissionContLength Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
MemberDepartRestriction msExchGroupDepartRestriction Closed (0), Open (1), or ApprovalRequired (2).
MemberJoinRestriction msExchGroupDepartRestriction Closed (0), Open (1), or ApprovalRequired (2).
MemberOfGroup memberOf String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). You must use the DistinguishedName. This property only works with groups recognized by Exchange, therefore Microsoft Entra security groups do not work.
Members member String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
MessageHygieneFlags msExchMessageHygieneFlags None (0) or AntispamBypass (1).
MobileAdminExtendedSettings msExchOmaAdminExtendedSettings String (wildcards accepted).
MobileMailboxFlags msExchMobileMailboxFlags None (0), HasDevicePartnership (1), or ActiveSyncSuppressReadReceipt (2).
MobileFeaturesEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable None (0), AirSyncDisabled (4), or MowaDisabled (8).
MobilePhone mobile String (wildcards accepted).
ModeratedBy msExchModeratedByLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
ModerationEnabled msExchEnableModeration Boolean ($true or $false)
Name name String (wildcards accepted). The unique name value of the recipient.
NetID n/a A sample value is 1003BFFD9A0CFA03. This property is populated for Exchange Online mailboxes in hybrid environments.
Notes info String (wildcards accepted).
ObjectCategory objectCategory Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Valid Active Directory ObjectCategory values.
Valid values use the format CN=<Type>,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>, where <Type> is typically Person or Group for recipients. For example, CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com.
ObjectClass objectClass Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Valid Active Directory ObjectCategory values.
Common values for recipients are: contact, organizationalPerson, person, top, group, msExchDynamicDistributionList, and user.
Office physicalDeliveryOfficeName String (wildcards accepted).
OfflineAddressBook msExchUseOAB String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). This property contains the offline address book (OAB) that's associated with this recipient.
OperatorNumber msExchUMOperatorNumber String (wildcards accepted).
OtherFax otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber String (wildcards accepted).
OtherHomePhone otherHomePhone String (wildcards accepted).
OtherTelephone otherTelephone String (wildcards accepted).
OWAEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
OWAforDevicesEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable Boolean ($true or $false)
OWAMailboxPolicy msExchOWAPolicy String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
Pager pager String (wildcards accepted).
Phone telephoneNumber String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneProviderId msExchUMPhoneProvider String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneticCompany msDS-PhoneticCompanyName String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneticDepartment msDS-PhoneticDepartment String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneticDisplayName msDS-PhoneticDisplayName String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneticFirstName msDS-PhoneticFirstName String (wildcards accepted).
PhoneticLastName msDS-PhoneticLastName String (wildcards accepted).
PoliciesExcluded msExchPoliciesExcluded String (wildcards accepted).
PoliciesIncluded msExchPoliciesIncluded String (wildcards accepted).
PopEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
PostalCode postalCode String (wildcards accepted).
PostOfficeBox postOfficeBox String (wildcards accepted).
PreviousRecipientTypeDetails msExchPreviousRecipientTypeDetails For valid values, see the description of the RecipientTypeDetails parameter in Get-Recipient.
PrimaryGroupId primaryGroupId Integer For domain users, the value of this property is typically 513, which corresponds to the Domain Users group.
PrimarySmtpAddress n/a String (wildcards accepted). Don't use the PrimarySmtpAddress property; use the EmailAddresses property instead. Any filter that uses the PrimarySmtpAddress property will also search values in the EmailAddresses property. For example, if a mailbox has the primary email address, and the additional proxy addresses and, all of the following filters will return that mailbox in the result: "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''", "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''", or "PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ''".
ProhibitSendQuota mDBOverQuotaLimit Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota mDBOverHardQuotaLimit Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
ProtocolSettings protocolSettings String (wildcards accepted).
PublicFolderContacts pFContacts String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
PurportedSearchUI msExchPurportedSearchUI String (wildcards accepted).
QueryBaseDN msExchQueryBaseDN String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
RawCanonicalName canonicalName String (wildcards accepted). This property is based on a constructed Active Directory attribute, and does not correctly resolve all members when used in Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter.
RawExternalEmailAddress targetAddress String (wildcards accepted).
RawName name String (wildcards accepted).
RecipientContainer msExchDynamicDLBaseDN String (wildcards accepted). The Active Directory container or organizational unit (OU) that holds the recipient object.
RecipientDisplayType msExchRecipientDisplayType MailboxUser (0), DistributionGroup (1), PublicFolder (2), DynamicDistributionGroup (3), Organization (4), PrivateDistributionList (5), RemoteMailUser (6). ConferenceRoomMailbox (7), or EquipmentMailbox (8).
RecipientFilter msExchQueryFilter String (wildcards accepted).
RecipientLimits msExchRecipLimit Unlimited or an integer. This property specifies the maximum number of recipients that are allowed in messages sent by the mailbox.
RecipientType n/a For valid values, see the description of the RecipientType parameter in Get-Recipient.
RecipientTypeDetails n/a For valid values, see the description of the RecipientTypeDetails parameter in Get-Recipient.
RecoverableItemsQuota msExchDumpsterQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota msExchDumpsterWarningQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
RejectMessagesFrom unauthOrig Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers dLMemRejectPerms Dynamic distribution groups: String (wildcards accepted).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
RemoteAccountPolicy msExchSyncAccountsPolicyDN String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
RemotePowerShellEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
RemoteRecipientType msExchRemoteRecipientType None (0), ProvisionMailbox (1), ProvisionArchive (2), Migrated (4), DeprovisionMailbox (8), DeprovisionArchive (16), RoomMailbox (32), EquipmentMailbox (64), SharedMailbox (96), or TeamMailbox (128).
ReportToManagerEnabled reportToOwner Boolean ($true or $false)
ReportToOriginatorEnabled reportToOriginator Boolean ($true or $false)
RequireAllSendersAreAuthenticated msExchRequireAuthToSendTo Boolean ($true or $false)
ResourceCapacity msExchResourceCapacity Integers.
ResourceCustom n/a String
ResourceMetaData msExchResourceMetaData String (wildcards accepted).
ResourcePropertiesDisplay msExchResourceDisplay String (wildcards accepted).
ResourceSearchProperties msExchResourceSearchProperties String (wildcards accepted).
ResourceType n/a Room (0) or Equipment (1).
RetainDeletedItemsFor garbageCollPeriod Dynamic distribution groups: A time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
RetentionComment msExchRetentionComment String (wildcards accepted).
RetentionPolicy n/a String
RetentionUrl msExchRetentionURL String (wildcards accepted).
RoleAssignmentPolicy msExchRBACPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
RulesQuota msExchMDBRulesQuota Dynamic distribution groups: A byte quantified size value (for example, 50MB or 1.5GB). Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
SamAccountName SamAccountName String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups). This property specifies an identifier that's compatible with older versions of Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems (also known as the pre-Windows 2000 user account or group name)
SafeRecipientsHash msExchSafeRecipientsHash System.Byte[] A user's safe recipients list is hashed (SHA-256) one way before it's stored as a binary large object in Active Directory.
SafeSendersHash msExchSafeSendersHash System.Byte[] A user's safe senders list is hashed (SHA-256) one way before it's stored as a binary large object in Active Directory.
SCLDeleteThresholdInt msExchMessageHygieneSCLDeleteThreshold An integer from 0 through 9.
SCLJunkThresholdInt msExchMessageHygieneSCLJunkThreshold An integer from 0 through 9.
SCLQuarantineThresholdInt msExchMessageHygieneSCLQuarantineThreshold An integer from 0 through 9.
SCLRejectThresholdInt msExchMessageHygieneSCLRejectThreshold An integer from 0 through 9.
SecurityProtocol securityProtocol System.Byte[]
SendDeliveryReportsTo n/a None (0), Manager (1) or Originator (2).
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled oOFReplyToOriginator Boolean ($true or $false)
ServerLegacyDN msExchHomeServerName String (wildcards accepted).
ServerName n/a String
SharingPolicy msExchSharingPolicyLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
SimpleDisplayName displayNamePrintable String (wildcards accepted).
SingleItemrecoveryEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
SKUAssigned n/a Boolean ($true or $false)
SMimeCertificate userSMIMECertificate System.Byte[] This property contains the binary encoded S/MIME certificates that are issued to the user.
StateOrProvince st String (wildcards accepted).
StreetAddress streetAddress String (wildcards accepted).
StsRefreshTokensValidFrom msExchStsRefreshTokensValidFrom Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
TelephoneAssistant telephoneAssistant String (wildcards accepted).
TextEncodedORAddress textEncodedORAddress String (wildcards accepted).
ThrottlingPolicy msExchThrottlingPolicyDN String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
Title title String (wildcards accepted).
UMAddresses msExchUMAddresses String (wildcards accepted).
UMCallingLineIds msExchUMCallingLineIds String (wildcards accepted).
UMDtmfMap msExchUMDtmfMap String (wildcards accepted).
UMEnabled n/a Boolean ($true or $false) This property specifies whether Unified Messaging (UM) is enabled for this mailbox.
UMEnabledFlags msExchUMEnabledFlags None (0), UMEnabled (1), FaxEnabled (2), TUIAccessToCalendarEnabled (4), TUIAccessToEmailEnabled (8), SubscriberAccessEnabled (16), TUIAccessToAddressBookEnabled (32), AnonymousCallersCanLeaveMessages (256), ASREnabled (512), or VoiceMailAnalysisEnabled (1024).
UMMailboxPolicy msExchUMTemplateLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
UMPinChecksum msExchUMPinChecksum System.Byte[]
UMRecipientDialPlanId msExchUMRecipientDialPlanLink String (wildcards accepted in dynamic distribution groups).
UMServerWritableFlags msExchUMServerWritableFlags None (0), MissedCallNotificationEnabled (1), SMSVoiceMailNotificationEnabled (2), SMSMissedCallNotificationEnabled (4), or PinlessAccessToVoiceMailEnabled (8).
UMSpokenName msExchUMSpokenName System.Byte[]
UnicodePassword unicodePwd System.Byte[]
UsageLocation msExchUsageLocation A valid ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code value or the corresponding display name (for example, US or UnitedStates). For more information, see Country Codes - ISO 3166.
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults mDBUseDefaults Boolean ($true or $false) If the value of this property is $true, the values of these properties are ignored for the mailbox: IssueWarningQuota, ProhibitSendQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota, , CalendarLoggingQuota, RecoverableItemsWarningQuota, and RecoverableItemsQuota.
UserAccountControl userAccountControl For valid values, see the Remarks section in User-Account-Control attribute. You need to convert the hexadecimal values to decimal. Most of the text values won't work as described (even if you remove ADS_UF and all underscores).
UserPrincipalName userPrincipalName String (wildcards accepted). This property contains the user principal name (UPN) for this recipient (for example, This property is not supported to identify inactive mailboxes.
VoiceMailSettings msExchUCVoiceMailSettings String (wildcards accepted). Valid values for this property are: ExchangeHostedVoiceMail=0, ExchangeHostedVoiceMail=1, CsHostedVoiceMail=0, or CsHostedVoiceMail=1.
WebPage wWWHomePage String (wildcards accepted).
WhenChanged whenChanged Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WhenChangedUTC n/a Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WhenCreated whenCreated Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WhenCreatedUTC n/a Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value in UTC.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WhenMailboxCreated msExchWhenMailboxCreated Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WhenSoftDeleted msExchWhenSoftDeletedTime Dynamic distribution groups: A date/time value using the time zone and regional settings of the Exchange server.
Others: Blank or non-blank.
WindowsEmailAddress mail String (wildcards accepted).
WindowsLiveID msExchWindowsLiveID String (wildcards accepted).

For more information

Exchange Server 2007 was the first version of Exchange that required OPATH filters instead of LDAP filters. For more information about converting LDAP filters to OPATH filters, see the Microsoft Exchange Team Blog article, Need help converting your LDAP filters to OPATH?.