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Routing and Tag Expressions

Tag expressions enable you to target specific sets of devices, or more specifically registrations, when sending a push notification through Notification Hubs.

Targeting Specific Registrations

The only way to target specific registrations is to associate them with a tag, then target that tag. As discussed in Registration Management, in order to receive push notifications an app has to register a device handle on a notification hub. Once a registration is created on a notification hub, the application backend can send push notifications to it.

The application backend can choose the registrations to target with a specific notification in the following ways:

  1. Broadcast: all registrations in the notification hub receive the notification.

  2. Tag: all registrations that contain the specified tag receive the notification.

  3. Tag expression: all registrations whose set of tags match the specified expression receive the notification.


When sending a platform-specific payload (for example, a Windows Store specific notification), only registrations for that specific platform will receive the notification. When sending a template notification, only registrations specifying a template are targeted. For more information, see Registration Management.


A tag can be any string, up to 120 characters, containing alphanumeric and the following non-alphanumeric characters: ‘_’, ‘@’, ‘#’, ‘.’, ‘:’, ‘-’. The following example shows an application from which you can receive toast notifications about specific music groups. In this scenario, a simple way to route notifications is to label registrations with tags that represent the different bands, as in the following picture.

Tag Expressions

In this picture, the message tagged Beatles reaches only the tablet that registered with the tag Beatles.

For more information about creating registrations for tags, see Registration Management.

You can send notifications to tags using the send notifications methods of the Microsoft.ServiceBus.Notifications.NotificationHubClient class in the SDK. You can also use Node.js, or the Push Notifications REST APIs.

Note the following examples:

await hub.SendWindowsNativeNotificationAsync(wnsToast, "tag");
notificationHubService.wns.sendToastText01('tag', {
            text1: 'Hello World!'
        }, callback);

Tags do not have to be pre-provisioned and can refer to multiple app-specific concepts. For example, users of this example application can comment on bands and want to receive toasts, not only for the comments on their favorite bands, but also for all comments from their friends, regardless of the band on which they are commenting. The following picture shows an example of this scenario:

Tag Expressions

In this picture, Alice is interested in updates for the Beatles, and Bob is interested in updates for the Wailers. Bob is also interested in Charlie’s comments, and Charlie is in interested in the Wailers. When a notification is sent for Charlie’s comment on the Beatles, both Alice and Bob receive it.


While you can encode multiple concerns in tags (for example, “band_Beatles” or “follows_Chanrlie”), tags are simple strings and not properties with values. A registration is matched only on the presence or absence of a specific tag.

For a full step-by-step tutorial on how to use tags for sending to interest groups, see Breaking News.


In the previous example, you should send a single notification to two tags (providing an array of tags, or using a tag expression with OR), instead of two notifications. Sending two notifications to individual tags results in duplicates for registrations that have both tags, while using tag expressions will not.

Using Tags to Target Users

Another way to use tags is to identify all the devices of a particular user. Registrations can be tagged with a tag that contains a user id, as in the following picture:

Tag Expressions

In this picture, the message tagged uid:Alice reaches all registrations tagged uid:Alice; hence, all of Alice’s devices.

Tag Expressions

There are cases in which a notification has to target a set of registrations that is identified not by a single tag, but by a Boolean expression on tags.

Consider a sports application that sends a reminder to everyone in Boston about a game between the Red Sox and Cardinals. If the client app registers tags about interest in teams and location, then the notification should be targeted to everyone in Boston who is interested in either the Red Sox or the Cardinals. This condition can be expressed with the following Boolean expression:

(follows_RedSox || follows_Cardinals) && location_Boston

Tag Expressions

Tag expressions can contain all Boolean operators, such as AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!). They can also contain parentheses. Tag expressions are limited to 20 tags if they contain only ORs; otherwise they are limited to 6 tags.

You can send notifications to tag expressions using the send notifications methods of the Microsoft.ServiceBus.Notifications.NotificationHubClient class in the SDK. You can also use Node.js, or the Push Notifications REST APIs. Note the following examples:

await hub.SendWindowsNativeNotificationAsync(wnsToast, "(tagA && !tagB)");
notificationHubService.wns.sendToastText01('(tagA && !tagB)', {
            text1: 'Hello World!'
        }, callback);

See Also

Other Resources

API References
Breaking News tutorial
Send notifications to users tutorial