مشاركة عبر

كيفية القيام بما يلي: إضافة او إدخال عناصر في قائمة التحكم بالوصول

لإضافة او إدخال اعضاء في قائمة التحكم بالوصول, ال FileSecurity او DirectorySecurity الكائن يجب ان يكون ماخوذ من ملف او دليل مُعدل, و من ثم تطبيقه الي الملف او الدليل المُعدل

إضافة او إدخال عضو في قائمة التحكم بالوصول من ملف

  1. اطلب GetAccessControl الطريقه للحصول على FileSecurity كائن الذي يحتوي على اعضاء الACL الحالين من ملف.

  2. إضافة او إدخال اعضاء في قائمة التحكم بالوصول من FileSecurity الكائن المرجع من الخطوه الاولى.

  3. ارسل FileSecurity الكائن الي SetAccessControl الطريقه لتطبيق التغيرات.

إضافة او إدخال عضو في قائمة التحكم بالوصول من دليل

  1. اطلب GetAccessControl الطريقه للحصول على DirectorySecurity كائن الذي يحتوي على اعضاء الACL الحالين من دليل.

  2. إضافة او إدخال اعضاء في قائمة التحكم بالوصول من DirectorySecurity الكائن المرجع من الخطوه الاولى.

  3. ارسل DirectorySecurity الكائن الي SetAccessControl الطريقه لتطبيق التغيرات.


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.AccessControl

Module FileExample

    Sub Main()
            Dim fileName As String = "test.xml"

            Console.WriteLine("Adding access control entry for " & fileName)

            ' Add the access control entry to the file.
            AddFileSecurity(fileName, "DomainName\AccountName", _
                FileSystemRights.ReadData, AccessControlType.Allow)

            Console.WriteLine("Removing access control entry from " & fileName)

            ' Remove the access control entry from the file.
            RemoveFileSecurity(fileName, "DomainName\AccountName", _
                FileSystemRights.ReadData, AccessControlType.Allow)

        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    ' Adds an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
    Sub AddFileSecurity(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal account As String, _
        ByVal rights As FileSystemRights, ByVal controlType As AccessControlType)

        ' Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
        ' current security settings.
        Dim fSecurity As FileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(fileName)

        ' Add the FileSystemAccessRule to the security settings. 
        Dim accessRule As FileSystemAccessRule = _
            New FileSystemAccessRule(account, rights, controlType)


        ' Set the new access settings.
        File.SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity)

    End Sub

    ' Removes an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
    Sub RemoveFileSecurity(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal account As String, _
        ByVal rights As FileSystemRights, ByVal controlType As AccessControlType)

        ' Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
        ' current security settings.
        Dim fSecurity As FileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(fileName)

        ' Remove the FileSystemAccessRule from the security settings. 
        fSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(New FileSystemAccessRule(account, _
            rights, controlType))

        ' Set the new access settings.
        File.SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity)

    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

namespace FileSystemExample
    class FileExample
        public static void Main()
                string fileName = "test.xml";

                Console.WriteLine("Adding access control entry for "
                    + fileName);

                // Add the access control entry to the file.
                AddFileSecurity(fileName, @"DomainName\AccountName",
                    FileSystemRights.ReadData, AccessControlType.Allow);

                Console.WriteLine("Removing access control entry from "
                    + fileName);

                // Remove the access control entry from the file.
                RemoveFileSecurity(fileName, @"DomainName\AccountName",
                    FileSystemRights.ReadData, AccessControlType.Allow);

            catch (Exception e)

        // Adds an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
        public static void AddFileSecurity(string fileName, string account,
            FileSystemRights rights, AccessControlType controlType)

            // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the
            // current security settings.
            FileSecurity fSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(fileName);

            // Add the FileSystemAccessRule to the security settings.
            fSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(account,
                rights, controlType));

            // Set the new access settings.
            File.SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity);


        // Removes an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
        public static void RemoveFileSecurity(string fileName, string account,
            FileSystemRights rights, AccessControlType controlType)

            // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the
            // current security settings.
            FileSecurity fSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(fileName);

            // Remove the FileSystemAccessRule from the security settings.
            fSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(account,
                rights, controlType));

            // Set the new access settings.
            File.SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity);

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Security::AccessControl;

// Adds an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.

void AddFileSecurity(String^ fileName, String^ account, 
                        FileSystemRights rights, AccessControlType controlType)
    // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
    // current security settings.
    FileSecurity^ fSecurity = File::GetAccessControl(fileName);

    // Add the FileSystemAccessRule to the security settings. 
    fSecurity->AddAccessRule(gcnew FileSystemAccessRule
                                   (account,rights, controlType));

    // Set the new access settings.
    File::SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity);

// Removes an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.

void RemoveFileSecurity(String^ fileName, String^ account, 
                        FileSystemRights rights, AccessControlType controlType)

    // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
    // current security settings.
    FileSecurity^ fSecurity = File::GetAccessControl(fileName);

    // Remove the FileSystemAccessRule from the security settings. 
    fSecurity->RemoveAccessRule(gcnew FileSystemAccessRule
                                      (account,rights, controlType));

    // Set the new access settings.
    File::SetAccessControl(fileName, fSecurity);

int main()
        String^ fileName = "test.xml";

        Console::WriteLine("Adding access control entry for " + fileName);

        // Add the access control entry to the file.
        AddFileSecurity(fileName, "MYDOMAIN\\MyAccount", 
            FileSystemRights::ReadData, AccessControlType::Allow);

        Console::WriteLine("Removing access control entry from " + fileName);

        // Remove the access control entry from the file.
        RemoveFileSecurity(fileName, "MYDOMAIN\\MyAccount", 
            FileSystemRights::ReadData, AccessControlType::Allow);

    catch (Exception^ ex)

التحويل البرمجي للتعليمات البرمجية

يجب عليك امداد مستخدم فعال او مجموعه من الحسابات لكي تُشغل هذا المثال. يستخدم هذا المثال File كائن: علي الرغم من ان نفس الاجراء قد تم استخدامه لل FileInfo, Directory, و DirectoryInfo الفئات.

راجع أيضًا:


ملفات I/O الأساسية

موارد أخرى

نظرة عامة تقنية ACL