كيفية القيام بما يلي: استخدم سمات فصل أعمدة FlowDocument
يوضح هذا المثال كيفية استخدام ميزات فصل عمود FlowDocument.
يحدد المثال التالي FlowDocument ، ويقوم بتعيين ColumnGap ، ColumnRuleBrush ، و ColumnRuleWidth سمات. FlowDocument يحتوي على فقرة واحدة من عينة المحتوى.
<Paragraph Background="AntiqueWhite" TextAlignment="Left">
This paragraph has the background set to antique white to make its
boundaries obvious.
The column gap is the space between columns; this FlowDocument will
have a column gap of 20 device-independend pixels. The column rule
is a vertical line drawn in the column gap, and is used to visually
separate columns; this FlowDocument a Dodger-blue column rule that
is 5 pixels wide.
The column rule and column gap both take space between columns. In
this case, a column gap width of 20 plus a column rule of width of 5
results in the space between columns being 25 pixels wide, 5 pixels
for the column rule, and 10 pixels of column gap on either side of the column rule.
يظهر الشكل التالي تأثيرات ColumnGap ، ColumnRuleBrush ، و ColumnRuleWidth السمات في FlowDocument المقدمة.