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Xrm.Page.ui control (client-side reference)


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

The control object provides methods to change the presentation or behavior of a control and identify the corresponding attribute.

You access controls using the following collections: Xrm.Page.ui.controls, Xrm.Page.ui Section.controls, or Xrm.Page.data.entity Attribute.controls. The Xrm.Page.getControl method is a shortcut method to access Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get.

The syntax examples in this topic show the use of the Xrm.Page.getControl method to access a control. Which control depends on the arguments passed to the method. The args parameter to access a single control must be either the name of the control or the index.

When a form displays a business process flow control in the header, additional controls will be added for each attribute that is displayed in the business process flow. These controls have a unique name similar to the following example: header_process_<attribute name>.


Only controls in the active stage of the business process flow can be accessed by name this way.

Controls displayed in the form header are accessible and have a unique name like the following: header_<attribute name>.

For controls that are bound to attributes it is common to access controls through the Xrm.Page.data.entity Attribute.controls collection.

Control properties and methods

  • Disabled
    Detect the state and enable or disable controls using the getDisabled and setDisabled methods.

  • getAttribute
    Get the attribute that the control is bound to.

  • getControlType
    Get information about the type of control.

  • getName
    Get the name of the control

  • getParent
    Get the section object that the control is in.

  • Knowledge base control methods
    These methods are only available for the knowledge base search control available when the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization is integrated with Parature. These methods were introduced with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1.

    For information about these controls see Parature knowledge base search control (client-side reference).

  • Label
    Get or change the label for a control using the getLabel and setLabel methods.

  • Lookup control methods and events
    Control the results displayed for a user to choose from when they set the value of a lookup control using the addCustomFilter, addCustomView, getDefaultView, setDefaultView methods.

    You can add or remove event handlers for the PreSearch event using the addPreSearch and removePreSearch methods.

  • Notification
    Display and remove notifications to users about a control using the setNotification and clearNotification methods.

  • OptionSet control methods
    Modify the options displayed in OptionSet controls using the addOption, clearOptions, and removeOption methods.

  • ShowTime
    Use setShowTime to specify whether a date control should show the time portion of the date and getShowTime to determine whether the time portion of the date is currently displayed.

  • Subgrid control methods
    For organizations using CRM Online 2015 Update 1 there are new capabilities to work with sub-grid controls. More information: Grid objects and methods (client-side reference)

    For other organizations, the refresh method is the only unique method available for subgrid controls. This method will refresh the data displayed in the subgrid.

  • Visible
    Determine which controls are visible and show or hide them using the getVisible and setVisible methods.

  • Web resource and IFRAME control methods
    Interact with web resource and IFRAME controls using the getData, setData, getInitialUrl, getObject, setSrc and getSrc methods.


Use getDisabled and setDisabled to detect whether a control is disabled or to enable or disable it.

Control Types: standard, lookup, optionset.


Returns whether the control is disabled.

  • Return Value
    Type: Boolean. True if the control is disabled, otherwise false.


Sets whether the control is disabled.

  • Arguments
    Type: Boolean. True if the control should be disabled, otherwise false.


Returns the attribute that the control is bound to.

Control Types: standard, lookup, optionset.



Controls that aren’t bound to an attribute (subgrid, web resource, and IFRAME) don’t have this method. An error will be thrown if you attempt to use this method on one of these controls.

  • Return Value
    Type: Object: An attribute.


The constituent controls within a quick view control are included in the controls collection and these controls have the getAttribute method. However, the attribute is not part of the attribute collection for the entity. While you can retrieve the value for that attribute using getValue and even change the value using setValue, changes you make will not be saved with the entity.

The following code shows using the value the contact mobilephone attribute when displayed on an account entity form using a quick view control named contactQuickForm. This code will hide the control when the value of the attribute is null.

var quickViewMobilePhoneControl = Xrm.Page.getControl("contactQuickForm_contactQuickForm_contact_mobilephone");
 if (quickViewMobilePhoneControl.getAttribute().getValue() == null)


Returns a value that categorizes controls.

Control Types: all.

  • Return Value
    Type: String

    Possible return values of getControlType:

    Return Value



    A standard control.


    An IFRAME control


    A lookup control.


    An option set control.


    A subgrid control.


    A web resource control.


    A notes control.


    A timer control.


    A knowledge base search control.


Returns the name assigned to the control.


The name assigned to a control is not determined until the form loads. Changes to the form may change the name assigned to a given control.

Control Types: all.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. The name of the control.


Returns a reference to the section object that contains the control.

Control Types: all.


Knowledge base control methods

These methods are only available for the knowledge base search control available when the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization is integrated with Parature. These methods were introduced with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1.

For information about these controls see Parature knowledge base search control (client-side reference).


Get or change the label for a control using the getLabel and setLabel methods.

Control Types: all.


Returns the label for the control.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. The label of the control.


Sets the label for the control.

  • Arguments
    Type: String. The new label for the control.

Lookup control methods and events

Control the results displayed for a user to choose from when they set the value of a lookup control using the addCustomFilter, addCustomView, getDefaultView, and setDefaultView methods. The Lookup control also exposes the PreSearch event so that you can programmatically add event handlers using the addPreSearch and removePreSearch methods.

Control Types: lookup.


Use to add filters to the results displayed in the lookup. Each filter will be combined with any previously added filters as an “AND” condition.

Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).addCustomFilter(filter, entityLogicaName)
  • Arguments

    • filterXml
      Type: String: The fetchXml filter element to apply. For example:

      <filter type="and">
       <condition attribute="address1_city" operator="eq" value="Redmond" />
    • entityLogicalName
      Type: String: (Optional) If this is set, the filter only applies to that entity type. Otherwise, it applies to all types of entities returned.

  • Remarks
    More information: FetchXML schema.

    This method is only available for Updated entities.

    This method can only be used in a function in an event handler for the Lookup Control PreSearch event.

    The following code sample is for the Opportunity form Account (parentaccountid) lookup. When the Sdk.setParentAccountIdFilter function is set in the form Onload event handler, the Sdk.filterCustomAccounts function is added to the PreSearch event for that lookup. The result is that only accounts with the Category (accountcategorycode) value of Preferred Customer (1) will be returned.

    var Sdk = window.Sdk || {};
    Sdk.filterCustomerAccounts = function () {
        //Only show accounts with the type 'Preferred Customer'
        var customerAccountFilter = "<filter type='and'><condition attribute='accountcategorycode' operator='eq' value='1'/></filter>";
        Xrm.Page.getControl("parentaccountid").addCustomFilter(customerAccountFilter, "account");
    //set 'Sdk.setParentAccountIdFilter' in the Opportunity form onload event handler
    Sdk.setParentAccountIdFilter = function () {


Adds a new view for the lookup dialog box.

Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).addCustomView(viewId, entityName, viewDisplayName, fetchXml, layoutXml, isDefault)
  • Arguments

    • viewId
      **Type:**String: The string representation of a GUID for a view.


      This value is never saved and only needs to be unique among the other available views for the lookup. A string for a non-valid GUID will work, for example “{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}”. It’s recommended that you use a tool like guidgen.exe to generate a valid GUID. The guidgen.exe tool is included in the Windows SDK.

    • entityName
      Type: String: The name of the entity.

    • viewDisplayName
      Type: String: The name of the view.

    • fetchXml
      String: The fetchXml query for the view.

    • layoutXml
      **Type:**String: The XML that defines the layout of the view.

    • isDefault
      Type: Boolean: Whether the view should be the default view.

  • Remarks
    This method doesn’t work with Owner lookups. Owner lookups are used to assign user-owned records.


You can detect which view is the default view that’s shown to allow users to select records in a lookup and change the default view using getDefaultView and setDefaultView.


Returns the ID value of the default lookup dialog view.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. The ID value of the default view.


Sets the default view for the lookup control dialog box.

  • Arguments
    Type: String. The ID of the view to be set as the default view.

Example: This setDefaultViewSample function will set the account entity form primary contact lookup default view to the My Active Contacts view.

function setDefaultViewSample() {

PreSearch event

You can add or remove event handlers for the Lookup Control PreSearch event using the addPreSearch and removePreSearch methods.

Use the PreSearch event to control what results are displayed for the control using the form data current as the user is beginning to search for records.

Both methods have the Execution context (client-side reference) passed as the first parameter.


Use this method to apply changes to lookups based on values current just as the user is about to view results for the lookup.

  • Arguments
    Type: Function to add.

  • Remarks
    This method is only available for Updated entities.

The argument is a function that will be run just before the search to provide results for a lookup occurs. You can use this handler to call one of the other lookup control functions and improve the results to be displayed in the lookup.


Use this method to remove event handler functions that have previously been set for the PreSearch event.

  • Arguments
    Type: Function to remove.

  • Remarks
    This method is only available for Updated entities.


Use setNotification to display a notification about the control and clearNotification to remove it.


Display a message near the control to indicate that data isn’t valid. When this method is used on Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets a red "X" icon appears next to the control. Tapping on the icon will display the message.



Setting a notification on a control will block the form from saving.

This method is only available for Updated entities.


  • message
    Type: String: The message to display.

  • uniqueId
    Type: String: The ID to use to clear just this message when using clearNotification.

Return Value

Type: Boolean: Indicates whether the method succeeded.


Remove a message already displayed for a control.



  • uniqueId
    Type: String: The ID to use to clear a specific message set using setNotification.

    If the uniqueId parameter isn’t used, the current notification shown will be removed.


This method is only available for Updated entities.

Return Value

Type: Boolean: Indicates whether the method succeeded.

OptionSet control methods

Use the addOption, clearOptions, and removeOption methods to manipulate options available for OptionSet controls. For an example of these functions being put to use, see Sample: Create dependent OptionSets (picklists).


Adds an option to an option set control.

Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).addOption(option, [index])


This method doesn’t check that the values in the options you add are valid. If you add invalid options they will not work correctly. You must only add options that have been defined for the specific option set attribute that the control is bound to. Use the attribute getOptions or getOption methods to get valid option objects to add using this method.

  • Arguments

    • option
      Type: Object: An option object to add to the OptionSet.

    • index
      Type: Number: (Optional) The index position to place the new option in. If not provided, the option will be added to the end.


Clears all options from an option set control.



Removes an option from an option set control.

  • Arguments
    Type: Number: The value of the option you want to remove.


Sets the focus on the control.



Use setShowTime to specify whether a date control should show the time portion of the date and with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 or later, use getShowTime to determine whether the time portion of the date is currently displayed.


Get whether a date control shows the time portion of the date.

Control Types: standard control for datetime attributes.

var showsTime = Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).getShowTime();


This method was introduced with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1.


Specify whether a date control should show the time portion of the date.

Control Types: standard control for datetime attributes.



This method is only available for Updated entities. This method will show or hide the time component of a date control where the attribute uses the DateAndTime format. This method will have no effect when the DateOnly format is used.

Subgrid control methods

For releases prior to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 the only method available for a subgrid control is refresh. With CRM Online 2015 Update 1 there are new capabilities you can use. More information: Grid objects and methods (client-side reference)


Refreshes the data displayed in a subgrid.



The refresh method isn’t available in the form OnLoad event because subgrids load asynchronously. With the subgrid OnLoad event introduced in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 you can now detect when the subgrid is loaded and use this method with event handlers for that event.


Determine which controls are visible and show or hide them using the getVisible and setVisible methods.


Returns a value that indicates whether the control is currently visible.


If the containing section or tab for this control isn’t visible, this method can still return true. To make certain that the control is actually visible; you need to also check the visibility of the containing elements.

  • Return Value
    Type: Boolean. True if the control is visible; otherwise, false.


Sets a value that indicates whether the control is visible.

  • Arguments
    Type: Boolean. True if the control should be visible; otherwise, false.


When you selectively show fields to users in code that runs in the Onload event, we recommend that you configure the fields to not be visible by default and then use setVisible(true) to show the fields when conditions are right. Using setVisible(false) to hide fields in the Onload event may result in the field briefly appearing to the user before being hidden.

If you’re hiding a larger number of fields using setVisible(false), consider if you can group them together into tabs or sections and hide the tab or section rather than the fields separately. This can improve performance.

Web resource and IFRAME control methods

Use these methods to interact with web resource and IFRAME controls.


These methods don’t work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.


Web resources have a special query string parameter named data to pass custom data. The getData and setData methods only work for Silverlight web resources added to a form. More information: Passing data from a form to an embedded Silverlight web resource

For web page (HTML) web resources, the data parameter can be extracted from the getSrc method or set using the setSrc method.


Returns the value of the data query string parameter passed to a Silverlight web resource.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. The data value passed to the Silverlight web resource.


Sets the value of the data query string parameter passed to a Silverlight web resource.

  • Arguments
    Type: String. The data value to pass to the Silverlight web resource.


Returns the default URL that an IFRAME control is configured to display. This method is not available for web resources.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. The initial URL.


Returns the object in the form that represents an I-frame or web resource.

  • Return Value
    Type: Object. Which object depends on the type of control.

    An IFRAME returns the IFrame element from the Document Object Model (DOM).

    A Silverlight web resource will return the Object element from the DOM that represents the embedded Silverlight plug-in.


IFRAMEs or web resources have a src property to define what to display in the embedded window. You can get or change the src property using the getSrc and setSrc methods.


Returns the current URL being displayed in an IFRAME or web resource.

  • Return Value
    Type: String. A URL representing the src property of the IFRAME or web resource.


Sets the URL to be displayed in an IFRAME or web resource.

  • Arguments
    Type: String: The URL.

See Also

Client-side programming reference
Form scripting quick reference
Xrm.Page.ui (client-side reference)
Write code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms
Use the Xrm.Page object model

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