مشاركة عبر

_Solution.Remove أسلوب

Removes the specified مشروع من the الحل.

مساحة الاسم:  EnvDTE
التجميع:  EnvDTE (في EnvDTE.dll)

بناء الجملة

Sub Remove ( _
    proj As Project _
void Remove(
    Project proj
void Remove(
    [InAttribute] Project^ proj
abstract Remove : 
        proj:Project -> unit 
function Remove(
    proj : Project


  • proj
    النوع: EnvDTE.Project
    مطلوبة.The مشروع إلى إزالة من the الحل.


Sub RemoveExample()
   ' This function loads a solution, deletes the first project,
   ' and then closes the solution.
   Dim soln As Solution
   Dim proj As Project
   Dim msg As String

   'Create a reference to the solution.
   soln = DTE.Solution

   ' Open the solution just created.

   ' Delete the newly-created VB Console application project in 
   ' this solution.
   MsgBox("Ready to delete the project.")
   proj = soln.Projects.Item(1)
   MsgBox("Project was deleted from the solution.")

   ' Close the solution from the IDE.
End Sub

أمن NET Framework.

راجع أيضًَا


_Solution واجهة

_Solution الأعضاء

EnvDTE مساحة الاسم