مشاركة عبر

IDTCommandTarget.Exec أسلوب

Executes the specified named الأمر.

مساحة الاسم:  EnvDTE
التجميع:  EnvDTE (في EnvDTE.dll)

بناء الجملة

Sub Exec ( _
    CmdName As String, _
    ExecuteOption As vsCommandExecOption, _
    ByRef VariantIn As Object, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef VariantOut As Object, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef Handled As Boolean _
void Exec(
    string CmdName,
    vsCommandExecOption ExecuteOption,
    ref Object VariantIn,
    out Object VariantOut,
    out bool Handled
void Exec(
    [InAttribute] String^ CmdName, 
    [InAttribute] vsCommandExecOption ExecuteOption, 
    [InAttribute] Object^% VariantIn, 
    [InAttribute] [OutAttribute] Object^% VariantOut, 
    [InAttribute] [OutAttribute] bool% Handled
abstract Exec : 
        CmdName:string * 
        ExecuteOption:vsCommandExecOption * 
        VariantIn:Object byref * 
        VariantOut:Object byref * 
        Handled:bool byref -> unit 
function Exec(
    CmdName : String, 
    ExecuteOption : vsCommandExecOption, 
    VariantIn : Object, 
    VariantOut : Object, 
    Handled : boolean


  • CmdName
    النوع: System.String
    اسم الأمر يتم تنفيذه.
  • VariantIn
    النوع: System.Object%
    A القيمة passed إلى the الأمر.
  • VariantOut
    النوع: System.Object%
    A القيمة passed الخلف إلى the invoker Exec أسلوب بعد the الأمر executes.


The following مثال uses the Command كائن و its AddNamedCommand و AddControl وظائف, و the IDTCommandTarget واجهة و its (Exec و QueryStatus) وظائف, إلى demonstrate how إلى make an إضافة-في appear كـ a الأمر تشغيل the أدوات قائمة في Visual Studio. ملاحظة that this تعليمات برمجية does not work في a ماكرو.


Implements IDTCommandTarget

Dim applicationObject As EnvDTE.DTE
Dim addInInstance as EnvDTE.AddIn
Dim objAddIn As AddIn = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
Dim CommandObj As Command
   CommandObj = applicationObject.Commands.AddNamedCommand(objAddIn, "MyAddin1", "MyAddin1", "Executes the command for MyAddin1", True, 59, Nothing, 1 + 2)
   '1+2 == vsCommandStatusSupported+vsCommandStatusEnabled
Catch e as System.Exception
End Try

Public Sub Exec(ByVal cmdName As String, ByVal executeOption As vsCommandExecOption, ByRef varIn As Object, ByRef varOut As Object, ByRef handled As Boolean) Implements IDTCommandTarget.Exec
   handled = False
   If (executeOption = vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault) Then
      If cmdName = "MyAddin1.Connect.MyAddin1" Then
         handled = True
         Exit Sub
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub QueryStatus(ByVal cmdName As String, ByVal neededText As vsCommandStatusTextWanted, ByRef statusOption As vsCommandStatus, ByRef commandText As Object) Implements IDTCommandTarget.QueryStatus
   If neededText = EnvDTE.vsCommandStatusTextWanted.vsCommandStatusTextWantedNone Then
      If cmdName = "MyAddin1.Connect.MyAddin1" Then
         statusOption = CType(vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled & vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported, vsCommandStatus)
         statusOption = vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusUnsupported
      End If
   End If
End Sub  

أمن NET Framework.

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IDTCommandTarget واجهة

IDTCommandTarget الأعضاء

EnvDTE مساحة الاسم