مشاركة عبر

vprintf, _vprintf_l, vwprintf, _vwprintf_l

Write formatted output using a pointer to a list of arguments.More secure versions of these functions are available, see vprintf_s, _vprintf_s_l, vwprintf_s, _vwprintf_s_l.

int vprintf(
   const char *format,
      va_list argptr 
int _vprintf_l(
      const char *format,
   locale_t locale,
   va_list argptr 
int vwprintf(
   const wchar_t *format,
   va_list argptr 
int _vwprintf_l(
   const wchar_t *format,
   locale_t locale,
   va_list argptr 


  • format
    Format specification.

  • argptr
    Pointer to list of arguments.

  • locale
    The locale to use.

For more information, see Format Specifications.

Valor devuelto

vprintf and vwprintf return the number of characters written, not including the terminating null character, or a negative value if an output error occurs.If format is a null pointer, or if the format string contains invalid formatting characters, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as described in Parameter Validation.If execution is allowed to continue, the functions return -1 and set errno to EINVAL.

For information on these and other error codes, see _doserrno, errno, _sys_errlist, and _sys_nerr.


Each of these functions takes a pointer to an argument list, then formats and writes the given data to stdout.

vwprintf is the wide-character version of vprintf; the two functions behave identically if the stream is opened in ANSI mode.vprintf doesn't currently support output into a UNICODE stream.

The versions of these functions with the _l suffix are identical except that they use the locale parameter passed in instead of the current thread locale.

Nota de seguridadNota sobre la seguridad

Ensure that format is not a user-defined string.For more information, see Avoiding Buffer Overruns.The risk of using user-defined strings is much less in Visual C++ 2005, because invalid format strings are detected and result in an error.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

TCHAR.H routine

_UNICODE & _MBCS not defined

_MBCS defined

_UNICODE defined











Required header

Optional headers

vprintf, _vprintf_l

<stdio.h> and <stdarg.h>


vwprintf, _vwprintf_l

<stdio.h> or <wchar.h>, and <stdarg.h>


* Required for UNIX V compatibility.

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.

Equivalente en .NET Framework


Vea también


Stream I/O

vprintf Functions

fprintf, _fprintf_l, fwprintf, _fwprintf_l

printf, _printf_l, wprintf, _wprintf_l

sprintf, _sprintf_l, swprintf, _swprintf_l, __swprintf_l

va_arg, va_end, va_start