مشاركة عبر

VsaLoader Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

The VsaLoader type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method VsaLoader This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.



  Name Description
Public method Close This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method Compile This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetOption This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method InitNew This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method IsValidIdentifier This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method LoadSourceState This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Reset This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method RevokeCache This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method Run This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method SaveCompiledState This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method SaveSourceState This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method SetOption This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method ToString Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public property Assembly This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Evidence This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property GenerateDebugInfo This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property IsCompiled This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property IsDirty This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property IsRunning This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Items This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Language This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property LCID This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Name This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property RootMoniker This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property RootNamespace This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Site This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property Version This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


See Also


VsaLoader Class

Microsoft.Vsa Namespace