مشاركة عبر

UndoContext.IsAborted الخاصية

Gets whether the UndoContext كائن تشغيل was منتهي بواسطة the SetAborted أسلوب.

مساحة الاسم:  EnvDTE
التجميع:  EnvDTE (في EnvDTE.dll)

بناء الجملة

ReadOnly Property IsAborted As Boolean
bool IsAborted { get; }
property bool IsAborted {
    bool get ();
abstract IsAborted : bool
function get IsAborted () : boolean

قيمة الخاصية

النوع: System.Boolean
A منطقي القيمة indicating true if the تشغيل was aborted, false if not.


If the UndoContext كائن هو معطّل بواسطة SetAborted قبل being مغلق, الجميع التغييرات made إلى participating مستندات will be discarded when the UndoContext كائن هو مغلق.


Sub IsAbortedExample()
   ' Before running, select text in an open document.
   Dim txtSel As TextSelection
   Dim strTS As String, strAnswer As String, bIsOpen As Boolean
   txtSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
   strTS = txtSel.Text

   ' Check to see if UndoContext object is already open.
   If DTE.UndoContext.IsOpen = True Then
      bIsOpen = True
      ' Open the UndoContext object to track changes.
      DTE.UndoContext.Open("RemoveNewLines", False)
   End If
   MsgBox("Current IsAborted value: " & DTE.UndoContext.IsAborted)

   ' Perform search for newline characters and remove them.
   If strTS <> "" Then
      strTS = Replace(strTS, vbNewLine, "", Compare:=vbTextCompare)
   End If

   ' Check to see if you want to discard changes.
   strAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to discard all changes made?", vbYesNo & vbQuestion)
   If strAnswer = True Then
      MsgBox("Current IsAborted value: " & DTE.UndoContext.IsAborted)
   End If

   ' If UndoContext was already open, don't close it.
   If bIsOpen = True Then
      ' Close the UndoContext object to commit the changes.
   End If
End Sub

أمن NET Framework.

راجع أيضًَا


UndoContext واجهة

UndoContext الأعضاء

EnvDTE مساحة الاسم