
Describes load information for a custom resource balancing metric. This can be used to limit the total consumption of this metric by the services of this application.


Name Type Required
Name string No
ReservationCapacity integer (int64) No
ApplicationCapacity integer (int64) No
ApplicationLoad integer (int64) No


Type: string
Required: No

The name of the metric.


Type: integer (int64)
Required: No

This is the capacity reserved in the cluster for the application. It's the product of NodeReservationCapacity and MinimumNodes. If set to zero, no capacity is reserved for this metric. When setting application capacity or when updating application capacity this value must be smaller than or equal to MaximumCapacity for each metric.


Type: integer (int64)
Required: No

Total capacity for this metric in this application instance.


Type: integer (int64)
Required: No

Current load for this metric in this application instance.