
Describes the parameters for updating an ongoing application upgrade.


Name Type Required
Name string Yes
UpgradeKind string (enum) Yes
ApplicationHealthPolicy ApplicationHealthPolicy No
UpdateDescription RollingUpgradeUpdateDescription No


Type: string
Required: Yes

The name of the application, including the 'fabric:' URI scheme.


Type: string (enum)
Required: Yes
Default: Rolling

The kind of upgrade out of the following possible values.

Possible values are:

  • Invalid - Indicates the upgrade kind is invalid. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type. The value is zero.
  • Rolling - The upgrade progresses one upgrade domain at a time. The value is 1


Type: ApplicationHealthPolicy
Required: No

Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.


Type: RollingUpgradeUpdateDescription
Required: No

Describes the parameters for updating a rolling upgrade of application or cluster.