Service Fabric Type Models (2017-07-01-preview)

Name Description
ApplicationHealthPolicy Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.
ApplicationMetricDescription Describes capacity information for a custom resource balancing metric. This can be used to limit the total consumption of this metric by the services of this application.
ApplicationResource The application resource.
ApplicationResourceList The list of application resources.
ApplicationResourceProperties The application resource properties.
ApplicationResourceUpdate The application resource for patch operations.
ApplicationResourceUpdateProperties The application resource properties for patch operations.
ApplicationTypeResource The application type name resource
ApplicationTypeResourceList The list of application type names.
ApplicationTypeResourceProperties The application type name properties
ApplicationTypeVersionResource An application type version resource for the specified application type name resource.
ApplicationTypeVersionResourceList The list of application type version resources for the specified application type name resource.
ApplicationTypeVersionResourceProperties The properties of the application type version resource.
ApplicationUpgradePolicy Describes the policy for a monitored application upgrade.
AvailableOperationDisplay Operation supported by the Service Fabric resource provider
ErrorModel The structure of the error.
ErrorModelError The error details.
MoveCost enum Specifies the move cost for the service.
NamedPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the named partition scheme of the service.
OperationListResult Describes the result of the request to list Service Fabric resource provider operations.
OperationResult Available operation list result
PartitionScheme enum Enumerates the ways that a service can be partitioned.
PartitionSchemeDescription Describes how the service is partitioned.
ProxyResource The resource model definition for proxy-only resource.
RollingUpgradeMonitoringPolicy The policy used for monitoring the application upgrade
ServiceCorrelationDescription Creates a particular correlation between services.
ServiceCorrelationScheme enum The service correlation scheme.
ServiceKind enum The kind of service (Stateless or Stateful).
ServiceLoadMetricDescription Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime.
ServiceLoadMetricWeight enum Determines the metric weight relative to the other metrics that are configured for this service. During runtime, if two metrics end up in conflict, the Cluster Resource Manager prefers the metric with the higher weight.
ServicePlacementPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service.
ServicePlacementPolicyType enum The type of placement policy for a service fabric service. Following are the possible values.
ServiceResource The service resource.
ServiceResourceList The list of service resources.
ServiceResourceProperties The service resource properties.
ServiceResourcePropertiesBase The common service resource properties.
ServiceResourceUpdate The service resource for patch operations.
ServiceResourceUpdateProperties The service resource properties for patch operations.
ServiceTypeHealthPolicy Represents the health policy used to evaluate the health of services belonging to a service type.
SingletonPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the partition scheme of a singleton-partitioned, or non-partitioned service.
StatefulServiceProperties The properties of a stateful service resource.
StatefulServiceUpdateProperties The properties of a stateful service resource for patch operations.
StatelessServiceProperties The properties of a stateless service resource.
StatelessServiceUpdateProperties The properties of a stateless service resource for patch operations.
UniformInt64RangePartitionSchemeDescription Describes a partitioning scheme where an integer range is allocated evenly across a number of partitions.