

Authorize Copy

Allows another speech resource (source) to copy a model to this speech resource (target).


Copies a model from one subscription to another.


Creates a new model.


Deletes the model identified by the given ID.

Get Base Model

Gets the base model identified by the given ID.

Get Base Model Manifest

Returns an manifest for this base model which can be used in an on-premise container.

Get Custom Model

Gets the model identified by the given ID.

Get Custom Model Manifest

Returns an manifest for this model which can be used in an on-premise container.

Get File

Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a model (identified with id).

List Base Models

Gets the list of base models for the authenticated subscription.

List Custom Models

Gets the list of custom models for the authenticated subscription.

List Files

Gets the files of the model identified by the given ID.

List Supported Locales

Gets a list of supported locales for model adaptation.


Updates the metadata of the model identified by the given ID.