[SDP3][52ef8720-e3ee-4a12-a37e-cc3b0870f359] Microsoft Azure PaaS VM logs

Applies to: ✔️ Windows VMs

Original KB number:   2772488


This article describes how to gather the most common log files and diagnostics information from an Azure PaaS VM to troubleshoot most of issues related to Microsoft Azure.

More information

You will be prompted by IE to Add a trusted website.

  • Select Add and add https://*.support.microsoft.com.


    You must put a *. in front of support.microsoft.com.

  • Or, save the following as a .reg file and import it:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\EscDomains\microsoft.com\*.support]

If you receive an IE Security Alert saying Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded., then you did not add https://*.support.microsoft.com to the list of trusted sites.

Information collected

General information

Description File name
Basic System Information including machine name, service pack, computer model and processor name and speed

LogFiles in System32 and Azure logs

Description File name
Log files from %windir%\System32\LogFiles*.*
Guest Agent Collected Perf Counters, Contents of D:\OSdiagnostics
Role Configuration Files from c:\config
Role Host Log Files from C:\Resources\temp{GUID}.{roleName}\RoleTemp
IIS Failed Request Log Files from C:\Resources\Directory{guid}.DiagnosticStore\FailedReqLogFiles
IIS Log Files from c:\Resources\directory{guid}.Diagnosticstore\LogFiles
Microsoft Azure Diagnostics Tables and Configuration from C:\Resources\directory{guid}.Diagnosticstore\Monitor
Host Bootstrapper Log Files from C:\Resources\directory{guid}.Diagnosticstore
Microsoft Azure Caching Log Files from C:\Resources\temp{guid}.{rolename}\RoleTemp
Service Model Definition Files from E:__entrypoint.txt, E:*.cssx.tag, E:*.csman, E:\RoleModel.xml
IIS web.config from {RoleRoot}\approot\web.config
Startup Task Files from {RoleRoot}{startup tasks=""}(get the filename from {RoleRoot}\rolemodel.xml)
Role Entry Point Binary from {RoleRoot}{entrypoint DLL=""} (the file name obtained from {RoleRoot}__entrypoint.txt content)
Log files from C:\Logs

Event logs

Description File name
System Log
Application Log
Microsoft Azure
All other event logs in evtx format

File version information (Chksym)

Description File name
File version information from processes currently running on the machine
File version information from processes currently running on the machine

In addition to collecting the information that is described earlier, this diagnostic package can detect one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Check if IntelliTrace enabled causes roles to not automatically recycle
  • Check if WebDeploy is enabled in production environments
  • Check if OverallQuotaInMB value is within 500 of DiagnosticStore value
  • Event Logs Messages


For more information about the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and about the Support Diagnostics Platform, please open the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

2598970 Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

Contact us for help

If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support. You can also submit product feedback to Azure feedback community.