مشاركة عبر

SearchSuggestionsRequest.GetDeferral Method


Gets an object that lets an app respond to a request for suggestions asynchronously.

 virtual SearchSuggestionsRequestDeferral ^ GetDeferral() = GetDeferral;
SearchSuggestionsRequestDeferral GetDeferral();
public SearchSuggestionsRequestDeferral GetDeferral();
function getDeferral()
Public Function GetDeferral () As SearchSuggestionsRequestDeferral


An object that lets an app signal when it has fulfilled the request for search suggestions.



To implement search in an app for Windows 10 or later, use AutoSuggestBox. See Auto-suggest box for more info.

You should not use Windows.ApplicationModel.Search APIs (SearchPane, SearchContract) or SearchBox APIs in apps for Windows 10 or later.

Your app should respond asynchronously to a request for search suggestions if fulfilling the request will take a significant amount of time, such as fetching suggestions from a web service.

Call the Complete method to signal when your app has fulfilled the request.

Applies to