Add updates to a Windows image
Like other types of packages, you can use DISM to add an update package to a Windows image.
When you're adding an update to an image, consider the following:
- Add languages and Features on Demand before adding a cumulative update (LCU). If you add a language or Feature on Demand after a cumulative update, you'll need to reinstall the update.
- Add apps after languages and Features on Demand. Universal Windows apps and desktop applications need to be reinstalled if you add a language after installing an app.
- For updates, update the recovery image too: We'll show you how to update these later in Deploy Push-button reset features.
- If a Servicing Stack Update (SSU) is available, you must install it before applying the latest cumulative update (LCU).
Add a Windows update package to an image
Download a Windows update package. For example, get the latest cumulative update (LCU) from the Microsoft Update catalog. If the update has any prerequisite updates, get those too.
Add the updates to a mounted or online image. For packages with dependencies, either install the packages in order, or add them all at once using a single DISM command.
Example: Adding a cumulative update to a mounted or offline image:
Dism /Image:"C:\mount\windows" /Add-Package /PackagePath="windows10.0-kb4456655-x64_fca3f0c885da48efc6f9699b0c1eaf424e779434.msu" /LogPath=C:\mount\dism.log
If you add an update to an offline image after it's applied to a target device, re-run BCDBoot to ensure that any updated boot files from the update are copied to the system partition.
Example: Adding a cumulative update to a running Windows installation:
Dism /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath="windows10.0-kb4456655-x64_fca3f0c885da48efc6f9699b0c1eaf424e779434.msu" /LogPath=C:\mount\dism.log
Example: Adding multiple updates:
Dism /Image:"C:\mount\windows" /Add-Package /PackagePath="C:\WindowsUpdates\windows10.0-kb00001-x64.msu" /PackagePath="C:\WindowsUpdates\windows10.0-kb00002-x64.msu" /PackagePath="C:\WindowsUpdates\windows10.0-kb00003-x64.msu" /LogPath=C:\mount\dism.log
Verify that the packages appear correctly:
On a mounted or offline image:
Dism /image:<path_to_image> /Get-Packages
On a running Windows installation:
Dism /online /Get-Packages
Review the resulting list of packages and verify that the list contains the package. For example:
Package Identity : Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~15063.250.1.1 State : Installed Release Type : Security Update Install Time : 04/29/2017 6:26 PM The operation completed successfully.
If you're finished updating a mounted image, you can unmount it, committing changes. For running Windows installations, you may have to restart the PC.