Authorization Functions (Authorization)
The following functions are used with authorization applications.
In this section
Topic | Description |
AccessCheck |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. |
AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. |
AccessCheckByType |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. |
AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. |
AccessCheckByTypeResultList |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. |
DeriveCapabilitySidsFromName |
This function constructs two arrays of SIDs out of a capability name. One is an array group SID with NT Authority, and the other is an array of capability SIDs with AppAuthority. |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle |
Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client that the calling thread is impersonating. |
AddAccessAllowedAce |
Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to an access control list (ACL). The access is granted to a specified security identifier (SID). |
AddAccessAllowedAceEx |
Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). |
AddAccessAllowedObjectAce |
Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). |
AddAccessDeniedAce |
Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to an access control list (ACL). The access is denied to a specified security identifier (SID). |
AddAccessDeniedAceEx |
Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). |
AddAccessDeniedObjectAce |
Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). The new ACE can deny access to an object, or to a property set or property on an object. |
AddAce |
Adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL). |
AddAuditAccessAce |
Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to a system access control list (ACL). The access of a specified security identifier (SID) is audited. |
AddAuditAccessAceEx |
Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AddAuditAccessObjectAce |
Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AddConditionalAce |
Adds a conditional access control entry (ACE) to the specified access control list (ACL). |
AddMandatoryAce |
Adds a SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE access control entry (ACE) to the specified system access control list (SACL). |
AddResourceAttributeAce |
Adds a SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_ACEaccess control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AddScopedPolicyIDAce |
Adds a SYSTEM_SCOPED_POLICY_ID_ACEaccess control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AdjustTokenGroups |
Enables or disables groups already present in the specified access token. Access to TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS is required to enable or disable groups in an access token. |
AdjustTokenPrivileges |
Enables or disables privileges in the specified access token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an access token requires TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES access. |
AllocateAndInitializeSid |
Allocates and initializes a security identifier (SID) with up to eight subauthorities. |
AllocateLocallyUniqueId |
Allocates a locally unique identifier (LUID). |
AreAllAccessesGranted |
Checks whether a set of requested access rights has been granted. The access rights are represented as bit flags in an access mask. |
AreAnyAccessesGranted |
Tests whether any of a set of requested access rights has been granted. The access rights are represented as bit flags in an access mask. |
AuditComputeEffectivePolicyBySid |
Computes the effective audit policy for one or more subcategories for the specified security principal. The function computes effective audit policy by combining system audit policy with per-user policy. |
AuditComputeEffectivePolicyByToken |
Computes the effective audit policy for one or more subcategories for the security principal associated with the specified token. The function computes effective audit policy by combining system audit policy with per-user policy. |
AuditEnumerateCategories |
Enumerates the available audit-policy categories. |
AuditEnumeratePerUserPolicy |
Enumerates users for whom per-user auditing policy is specified. |
AuditEnumerateSubCategories |
Enumerates the available audit-policy subcategories. |
AuditFree |
Frees the memory allocated by audit functions for the specified buffer. |
AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId |
Retrieves a GUID structure that represents the specified audit-policy category. |
AuditLookupCategoryIdFromCategoryGuid |
Retrieves an element of the POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration that represents the specified audit-policy category. |
AuditLookupCategoryName |
Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy category. |
AuditLookupSubCategoryName |
Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy subcategory. |
AuditQueryGlobalSacl |
retrieves a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. |
AuditQueryPerUserPolicy |
Retrieves per-user audit policy in one or more audit-policy subcategories for the specified principal. |
AuditQuerySecurity |
Retrieves security descriptor that delegates access to audit policy. |
AuditQuerySystemPolicy |
Retrieves system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories. |
AuditSetGlobalSacl |
sets a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. |
AuditSetPerUserPolicy |
Sets per-user audit policy in one or more audit subcategories for the specified principal. |
AuditSetSecurity |
Sets a security descriptor that delegates access to audit policy. |
AuditSetSystemPolicy |
Sets system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories. |
AuthzAccessCheck |
Determines which access bits can be granted to a client for a given set of security descriptors. |
AuthzAccessCheckCallback |
An application-defined function that handles callback access control entries (ACEs) during an access check. AuthzAccessCheckCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. The application registers this callback by calling AuthzInitializeResourceManager. |
AuthzAddSidsToContext |
Creates a copy of an existing context and appends a given set of security identifiers (SIDs) and restricted SIDs. |
AuthzCachedAccessCheck |
Performs a fast access check based on a cached handle containing the static granted bits from a previous AuthzAccessCheck call. |
AuthzComputeGroupsCallback |
An application-defined function that creates a list of security identifiers (SIDs) that apply to a client. AuthzComputeGroupsCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. |
AuthzEnumerateSecurityEventSources |
Retrieves the registered security event sources that are not installed by default. |
AuthzFreeAuditEvent |
Frees the structure allocated by the AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent function. |
AuthzFreeCentralAccessPolicyCache |
Decreases the CAP cache reference count by one so that the CAP cache can be deallocated. |
AuthzFreeCentralAccessPolicyCallback |
The AuthzFreeCentralAccessPolicyCallback function is an application-defined function that frees memory allocated by the AuthzGetCentralAccessPolicyCallback function. AuthzFreeCentralAccessPolicyCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. |
AuthzFreeContext |
Frees all structures and memory associated with the client context. The list of handles for a client is freed in this call. |
AuthzFreeGroupsCallback |
An application-defined function that frees memory allocated by the AuthzComputeGroupsCallback function. AuthzFreeGroupsCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. |
AuthzFreeHandle |
Finds and deletes a handle from the handle list. |
AuthzFreeResourceManager |
Frees a resource manager object. |
AuthzGetCentralAccessPolicyCallback |
The AuthzGetCentralAccessPolicyCallback function is an application-defined function that retrieves the central access policy. AuthzGetCentralAccessPolicyCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. |
AuthzGetInformationFromContext |
Returns information about an Authz context. |
AuthzInitializeCompoundContext |
creates a user-mode context from the given user and device security contexts. |
AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext |
Creates a new client context based on an existing client context. |
AuthzInitializeContextFromSid |
Creates a user-mode client context from a user security identifier (SID). |
AuthzInitializeContextFromToken |
Initializes a client authorization context from a kernel token. The kernel token must have been opened for TOKEN_QUERY. |
AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent |
Initializes auditing for an object. |
AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent2 |
Allocates and initializes an AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_HANDLE handle for use with the AuthzAccessCheck function. |
AuthzInitializeRemoteResourceManager |
Allocates and initializes a remote resource manager. The caller can use the resulting handle to make RPC calls to a remote instance of the resource manager configured on a server. |
AuthzInitializeResourceManager |
Uses Authz to verify that clients have access to various resources. |
AuthzInitializeResourceManagerEx |
Allocates and initializes a resource manager structure. |
AuthzInstallSecurityEventSource |
Installs the specified source as a security event source. |
AuthzModifyClaims |
Adds, deletes, or modifies user and device claims in the Authz client context. |
AuthzModifySecurityAttributes |
Modifies the security attribute information in the specified client context. |
AuthzModifySids |
Adds, deletes, or modifies user and device groups in the Authz client context. |
AuthzOpenObjectAudit |
Reads the system access control list (SACL) of the specified security descriptor and generates any appropriate audits specified by that SACL. |
AuthzRegisterCapChangeNotification |
Registers a CAP update notification callback. |
AuthzRegisterSecurityEventSource |
Registers a security event source with the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
AuthzReportSecurityEvent |
Generates a security audit for a registered security event source. |
AuthzReportSecurityEventFromParams |
Generates a security audit for a registered security event source by using the specified array of audit parameters. |
AuthzSetAppContainerInformation |
Sets the app container and capability information in a current Authz context. |
AuthzUninstallSecurityEventSource |
Removes the specified source from the list of valid security event sources. |
AuthzUnregisterCapChangeNotification |
Removes a previously registered CAP update notification callback. |
AuthzUnregisterSecurityEventSource |
Unregisters a security event source with the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
BuildExplicitAccessWithName |
Initializes an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure with data specified by the caller. The trustee is identified by a name string. |
BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName |
The BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName function is not supported. |
BuildImpersonateTrustee |
The BuildImpersonateTrustee function is not supported. |
BuildSecurityDescriptor |
Allocates and initializes a new security descriptor. |
BuildTrusteeWithName |
Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the trustee name. The function sets other members of the structure to default values. |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndName |
Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. The caller also specifies the name of the trustee. |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSid |
Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. The caller also specifies the SID structure that represents the security identifier of the trustee. |
BuildTrusteeWithSid |
Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the security identifier (SID) of the trustee. The function sets other members of the structure to default values and does not look up the name associated with the SID. |
CheckTokenCapability |
Checks the capabilities of a given token. |
CheckTokenMembership |
Determines whether a specified security identifier (SID) is enabled in an access token. |
CheckTokenMembershipEx |
Determines whether the specified SID is enabled in the specified token. |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor |
Converts a security descriptor to a string format. You can use the string format to store or transmit the security descriptor. |
ConvertSidToStringSid |
Converts a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission. |
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor |
Converts a string-format security descriptor into a valid, functional security descriptor. |
ConvertStringSidToSid |
Converts a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid, functional SID. You can use this function to retrieve a SID that the ConvertSidToStringSid function converted to string format. |
ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity |
Converts a security descriptor and its access control lists (ACLs) to a format that supports automatic propagation of inheritable access control entries (ACEs). |
CopySid |
Copies a security identifier (SID) to a buffer. |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity |
Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object. A protected server calls this function when it creates a new private object. |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx |
Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function. |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance |
Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function. |
CreateRestrictedToken |
Creates a new access token that is a restricted version of an existing access token. The restricted token can have disabled security identifiers (SIDs), deleted privileges, and a list of restricting SIDs. |
CreateSecurityPage |
Creates a basic security property page that enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the access control entries (ACEs) in an object's discretionary access control list (DACL). |
CreateWellKnownSid |
Creates a SID for predefined aliases. |
DeleteAce |
Deletes an access control entry (ACE) from an access control list (ACL). |
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity |
Deletes a private object's security descriptor. |
DSCreateSecurityPage |
Creates a security property page for an Active Directory object. |
DSCreateISecurityInfoObject |
Creates an instance of the ISecurityInformation interface associated with the specified directory service (DS) object. |
DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx |
Creates an instance of the ISecurityInformation interface associated with the specified directory service (DS) object on the specified server. |
DSEditSecurity |
Displays a modal dialog box for editing security on a Directory Services (DS) object. |
DuplicateToken |
Creates a new access token that duplicates one already in existence. |
DuplicateTokenEx |
Creates a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function can create either a primary token or an impersonation token. |
EditSecurity |
Displays a property sheet that contains a basic security property page. This property page enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the ACEs in an object's DACL. |
EditSecurityAdvanced |
Extends the EditSecurity function to include the security page type when displaying the property sheet that contains a basic security property page. |
EqualDomainSid |
Determines whether two SIDs are from the same domain. |
EqualPrefixSid |
Tests two security-identifier (SID) prefix values for equality. A SID prefix is the entire SID except for the last subauthority value. |
EqualSid |
Tests two security identifier (SID) values for equality. Two SIDs must match exactly to be considered equal. |
FindFirstFreeAce |
Retrieves a pointer to the first free byte in an access control list (ACL). |
FreeInheritedFromArray |
Frees memory allocated by the GetInheritanceSource function. |
FreeSid |
Frees a security identifier (SID) previously allocated by using the AllocateAndInitializeSid function. |
GetAce |
Obtains a pointer to an access control entry (ACE) in an access control list (ACL). |
GetAclInformation |
Retrieves information about an access control list (ACL). |
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath |
Retrieves the named object path for the app container. |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl |
Retrieves the audited access rights for a specified trustee. |
GetCurrentProcessToken |
Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the access token associated with a process. |
GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken |
Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the token that is currently in effect for the thread, which is the thread token if one exists and the process token otherwise. |
GetCurrentThreadToken |
Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the impersonation token that was assigned to the current thread. |
GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl |
Retrieves the effective access rights that an ACL structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the ACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. |
GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl |
Retrieves an array of structures that describe the access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). |
GetFileSecurity |
Obtains specified information about the security of a file or directory. The information obtained is constrained by the caller's access rights and privileges. |
GetInheritanceSource |
Returns information about the source of inherited access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). |
GetKernelObjectSecurity |
Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor that protects a kernel object. |
GetLengthSid |
Returns the length, in bytes, of a valid security identifier (SID). |
GetMultipleTrustee |
The GetMultipleTrustee function is not supported. |
GetMultipleTrusteeOperation |
The GetMultipleTrusteeOperation function is not supported. |
GetNamedSecurityInfo |
Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by name. |
GetPrivateObjectSecurity |
Retrieves information from a private object's security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorControl |
Retrieves a security descriptor control and revision information. |
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl |
Retrieves a pointer to the discretionary access control list (DACL) in a specified security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup |
Retrieves the primary group information from a security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorLength |
Returns the length, in bytes, of a structurally valid security descriptor. The length includes the length of all associated structures. |
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner |
Retrieves the owner information from a security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl |
Retrieves the resource manager control bits. |
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl |
Retrieves a pointer to the system access control list (SACL) in a specified security descriptor. |
GetSecurityInfo |
Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by a handle. |
GetSidIdentifierAuthority |
Returns a pointer to the SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY structure in a specified security identifier (SID). |
GetSidLengthRequired |
Returns the length, in bytes, of the buffer required to store a SID with a specified number of subauthorities. |
GetSidSubAuthority |
Returns a pointer to a specified subauthority in a security identifier (SID). The subauthority value is a relative identifier (RID). |
GetSidSubAuthorityCount |
Returns a pointer to the member in a security identifier (SID) structure that contains the subauthority count. |
GetTenantRestrictionsHostnames | Returns a list of hostnames (e.g. ) and subdomainSupportedHostnames (e.g. ) to the caller to apply Tenant Restrictions to those endpoints. |
GetTokenInformation |
Retrieves a specified type of information about an access token. The calling process must have appropriate access rights to obtain the information. |
GetTrusteeForm |
Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the structure uses a name string or a security identifier (SID) to identify the trustee. |
GetTrusteeName |
Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. |
GetTrusteeType |
Retrieves the trustee type from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the trustee is a user, a group, or the trustee type is unknown. |
GetUserObjectSecurity |
Retrieves security information for the specified user object. |
GetWindowsAccountDomainSid |
Receives a security identifier (SID) and returns a SID representing the domain of that SID. |
ImpersonateAnonymousToken |
Enables the specified thread to impersonate the system's anonymous logon token. |
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser |
Lets the calling thread impersonate the security context of a logged-on user. The user is represented by a token handle. |
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient |
Impersonates a named-pipe client application. |
ImpersonateSelf |
Obtains an access token that impersonates the security context of the calling process. The token is assigned to the calling thread. |
InitializeAcl |
Initializes a new ACL structure. |
InitializeSecurityDescriptor |
Initializes a new security descriptor. |
InitializeSid |
Initializes a security identifier (SID). |
IsTokenRestricted |
Indicates whether a token contains a list of restricted security identifiers (SIDs). |
IsValidAcl |
Validates an access control list (ACL). |
IsValidSecurityDescriptor |
Determines whether the components of a security descriptor are valid. |
IsValidSid |
Validates a security identifier (SID) by verifying that the revision number is within a known range, and that the number of subauthorities is less than the maximum. |
IsWellKnownSid |
Compares a SID to a well-known SID and returns TRUE if they match. |
LookupAccountName |
Accepts the name of a system and an account as input. It retrieves a security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on which the account was found. |
LookupAccountSid |
Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input. It retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first domain on which this SID is found. |
LookupAccountSidLocal |
Retrieves the name of the account for the specified SID on the local machine. |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayName |
Retrieves the display name that represents a specified privilege. |
LookupPrivilegeName |
Retrieves the name that corresponds to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID). |
LookupPrivilegeValue |
Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name. |
LookupSecurityDescriptorParts |
Retrieves security information from a self-relative security descriptor. |
MakeAbsoluteSD |
Creates a security descriptor in absolute format by using a security descriptor in self-relative format as a template. |
MakeSelfRelativeSD |
Creates a security descriptor in self-relative format by using a security descriptor in absolute format as a template. |
MapGenericMask |
Maps the generic access rights in an access mask to specific and standard access rights. The function applies a mapping supplied in a GENERIC_MAPPING structure. |
NtCompareTokens |
Compares two access tokens and determines whether they are equivalent with respect to a call to the AccessCheck function. |
NtCreateLowBoxToken | Creates a lowbox token object based on an existing access token. |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarm |
Generates an audit message in the security event log when a handle to a private object is deleted. |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm |
Generates audit messages when an object is deleted. |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarm |
Generates audit messages when a client application attempts to gain access to an object or to create a new one. |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm |
Generates an audit message in the security event log. |
OpenProcessToken |
Opens the access token associated with a process. |
OpenThreadToken |
Opens the access token associated with a thread. |
PrivilegeCheck |
Determines whether a specified set of privileges are enabled in an access token. |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm |
Generates an audit message in the security event log. |
QuerySecurityAccessMask |
Creates an access mask that represents the access permissions necessary to query the specified object security information. |
QueryServiceObjectSecurity |
Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor associated with a service object. |
RegGetKeySecurity |
Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor protecting the specified open registry key. |
RegSetKeySecurity |
Sets the security of an open registry key. |
RevertToSelf |
Terminates the impersonation of a client application. |
RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString |
Converts a security identifier (SID) to its Unicode character representation. |
SetAclInformation |
Sets information about an access control list (ACL). |
SetEntriesInAcl |
Creates a new access control list (ACL) by merging new access control or audit control information into an existing ACL structure. |
SetFileSecurity |
Sets the security of a file or directory object. |
SetKernelObjectSecurity |
Sets the security of a kernel object. |
SetNamedSecurityInfo |
Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object. |
SetPrivateObjectSecurity |
Modifies a private object's security descriptor. |
SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx |
Modifies the security descriptor of a private object maintained by the resource manager calling this function. |
SetSecurityAccessMask |
Creates an access mask that represents the access permissions necessary to set the specified object security information. |
SetSecurityDescriptorControl |
Sets the control bits of a security descriptor. The function can set only the control bits that relate to automatic inheritance of ACEs. |
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl |
Sets information in a discretionary access control list (DACL). If a DACL is already present in the security descriptor, the DACL is replaced. |
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup |
Sets the primary group information of an absolute-format security descriptor, replacing any primary group information already present in the security descriptor. |
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner |
Sets the owner information of an absolute-format security descriptor. It replaces any owner information already present in the security descriptor. |
SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl |
Sets the resource manager control bits in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl |
Sets information in a system access control list (SACL). If there is already a SACL present in the security descriptor, it is replaced. |
SetSecurityInfo |
Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object. The caller identifies the object by a handle. |
SetServiceObjectSecurity |
Sets the security descriptor of a service object. |
SetThreadToken |
Assigns an impersonation token to a thread. The function can also cause a thread to stop using an impersonation token. |
SetTokenInformation |
Sets various types of information for a specified access token. |
SetUserObjectSecurity |
Sets the security of a user object. This can be, for example, a window or a DDE conversation. |
TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo |
Resets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. |
TreeSetNamedSecurityInfo |
Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. |
Authorization functions are categorized according to usage as follows.
- Basic Access Control Functions
- Access Control Editor Functions
- Client/Server Access Control Functions
- Low-level Access Control Functions
- Audit Policy Functions
Basic Access Control Functions
The following functions are used with access tokens.
- AccessCheck
- AccessCheckByType
- AccessCheckByTypeResultList
- AdjustTokenGroups
- AdjustTokenPrivileges
- AllocateAndInitializeSid
- AllocateLocallyUniqueId
- AuthzAccessCheck
- AuthzAccessCheckCallback
- AuthzAddSidsToContext
- AuthzCachedAccessCheck
- AuthzComputeGroupsCallback
- AuthzEnumerateSecurityEventSources
- AuthzFreeAuditEvent
- AuthzFreeContext
- AuthzFreeGroupsCallback
- AuthzFreeHandle
- AuthzFreeResourceManager
- AuthzGetInformationFromContext
- AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext
- AuthzInitializeContextFromSid
- AuthzInitializeContextFromToken
- AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent
- AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent2
- AuthzInitializeResourceManager
- AuthzInstallSecurityEventSource
- AuthzOpenObjectAudit
- AuthzRegisterSecurityEventSource
- AuthzReportSecurityEvent
- AuthzReportSecurityEventFromParams
- AuthzUninstallSecurityEventSource
- AuthzUnregisterSecurityEventSource
- BuildExplicitAccessWithName
- BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName
- BuildImpersonateTrustee
- BuildTrusteeWithName
- BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndName
- BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSid
- BuildTrusteeWithSid
- CheckTokenMembership
- ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor
- ConvertSidToStringSid
- ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor
- ConvertStringSidToSid
- CopySid
- CreateRestrictedToken
- CreateWellKnownSid
- DuplicateToken
- DuplicateTokenEx
- EqualDomainSid
- EqualPrefixSid
- EqualSid
- FreeSid
- GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl
- GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl
- GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl
- GetLengthSid
- GetMultipleTrustee
- GetMultipleTrusteeOperation
- GetNamedSecurityInfo
- GetSecurityDescriptorControl
- GetSecurityInfo
- GetSidIdentifierAuthority
- GetSidLengthRequired
- GetSidSubAuthority
- GetSidSubAuthorityCount
- GetTokenInformation
- GetTrusteeForm
- GetTrusteeName
- GetTrusteeType
- GetWindowsAccountDomainSid
- InitializeSid
- IsTokenRestricted
- IsValidSid
- IsWellKnownSid
- LookupAccountName
- LookupAccountSid
- LookupAccountSidLocal
- LookupPrivilegeDisplayName
- LookupPrivilegeName
- LookupPrivilegeValue
- NtCompareTokens
- NtCreateLowBoxToken
- OpenProcessToken
- OpenThreadToken
- QuerySecurityAccessMask
- RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString
- SetEntriesInAcl
- SetNamedSecurityInfo
- SetSecurityAccessMask
- SetSecurityDescriptorControl
- SetSecurityInfo
- SetThreadToken
- SetTokenInformation
- TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo
- TreeSetNamedSecurityInfo
Access Control Editor Functions
The following functions are used with the access control editor.
Client/Server Access Control Functions
The following functions are used by servers to impersonate clients.
- AreAllAccessesGranted
- AreAnyAccessesGranted
- BuildSecurityDescriptor
- ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurity
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance
- CreateProcessAsUser
- CreateProcessWithLogonW
- DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity
- GetPrivateObjectSecurity
- ImpersonateAnonymousToken
- ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
- ImpersonateNamedPipeClient
- ImpersonateSelf
- LookupSecurityDescriptorParts
- MapGenericMask
- ObjectCloseAuditAlarm
- ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm
- ObjectOpenAuditAlarm
- ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm
- PrivilegeCheck
- PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
- RevertToSelf
- SetPrivateObjectSecurity
- SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx
- SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl
Low-level Access Control Functions
The following low-level functions are used to manipulate security descriptors.
- AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
- AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm
- AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm
- AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle
- AddAccessAllowedAce
- AddAccessAllowedAceEx
- AddAccessAllowedObjectAce
- AddAccessDeniedAce
- AddAccessDeniedAceEx
- AddAccessDeniedObjectAce
- AddAce
- AddAuditAccessAce
- AddAuditAccessAceEx
- AddAuditAccessObjectAce
- AddMandatoryAce
- DeleteAce
- FindFirstFreeAce
- FreeInheritedFromArray
- GetAce
- GetAclInformation
- GetFileSecurity
- GetInheritanceSource
- GetKernelObjectSecurity
- GetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- GetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- GetSecurityDescriptorLength
- GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- GetUserObjectSecurity
- InitializeAcl
- InitializeSecurityDescriptor
- IsValidAcl
- IsValidSecurityDescriptor
- MakeAbsoluteSD
- MakeSelfRelativeSD
- NetShareGetInfo
- NetShareSetInfo
- QueryServiceObjectSecurity
- RegGetKeySecurity
- RegSetKeySecurity
- SetAclInformation
- SetFileSecurity
- SetKernelObjectSecurity
- SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- SetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- SetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- SetServiceObjectSecurity
- SetUserObjectSecurity
Audit Policy Functions
- AuditComputeEffectivePolicyBySid
- AuditComputeEffectivePolicyByToken
- AuditEnumerateCategories
- AuditEnumeratePerUserPolicy
- AuditEnumerateSubCategories
- AuditFree
- AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId
- AuditLookupCategoryIdFromCategoryGuid
- AuditLookupCategoryName
- AuditLookupSubCategoryName
- AuditQueryPerUserPolicy
- AuditQuerySystemPolicy
- AuditSetPerUserPolicy
- AuditSetSystemPolicy